quinoa make- over– Lemon Zest Quinoa

Gina makeover Quinoa… 1/2 C. MUSHROOMS AND 1/2 C. CELERY * 1 tablespoon finely grated fresh lemon zest (from 2 lemons) * 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice 1/4 C. OLIVE OIL IF NEED TO ADD A TOUCH OF SWEETNESS, A PACKET OR TWO OF STEVIA– OPTIONAL 1 TBSP GARLIC...

on season and off season Q&A

Q: Gina, What is the difference between on season and off season training/diet? A: There are different types of goals for each type of program. Typically your goals for a pre season/prep is to change your body composition, by maintaining as much muscle as you can...

awesome quote from Claudine!! Thanks Claudine! :)

A year from now… Where will you be a year from now? Where would you most like to be? There is so much you’ve learned and experienced on your journey to this day. Imagine what you can now do with it all. This new year is a grand opportunity, filled with promise and...


Good Morning!! For so many of us, today marks the start of a prep, start of a fresh week with new goals and it is the first full week of the year!! Wishing you all a great start of your week. Happy Monday!! I thought this quote was perfect for all of us: “You just...

Essential supplement for training

If I had to pick one supplement that should be the foundation of your health and longevity goals, I would say, fish oil!! A few things Fish oils do is, improve your cardiac health, mood elevation, inflammation reduction, and even body fat reduction. (YES, Exercising...