Setting up an entire diet based on percentages doesn’t really have any relevance to what that person actually needs. To me a diet based on percentages is old school and everybody’s diets should vary based on their activity and bodies!
A diet consisting of 30% protein may be too little for someone who works out 7x/day or is pre- contest or in the building phase, trying to gain muscle. On the other end, someone who is not working out hard may not need a ton of protein. Everyone is different and require different amounts of proteins, fats and carbs. I believe in constantly changing your ratios on a daily basis not following a set dietary program based on rations such as 40/40/20. It is also about trial and error and what works for your bodies needs.
Additionally, many diets are often slapped with a “high carb” or “high fat” label whenever a specific macronutrient is over a certain percentage. Keep in mind it is more about the type of carbs, proteins and fats that you eat rather than the amount. I could tell you to eat 20% fat but you need to be eating the right kind of fat. Not 20% saturated or trans fat. You may know the difference but not the average person who is told to eat 20-30% fat.
My dietary programs are not based on percentages or numbers but constant changing ratios of the macro and micronutrients. Save your mental energy for other things than adding up the calories, carbs, proteins and fats! We can easily get tripped up over numbers so my advice is to avoid numbers!! Learn from living, experimenting and taking notes but don’t focus on numbers! It is not realistic or practical!