Morning Here we go Hump Day yet again! Only a few days until the weekend and for so many that means only a few more days until you reach your goal, a goal you have been working towards and striving for for quite a while! Digging deep and pushing yourself when you thought you couldn’t push any further! You did it. Take a moment to sit back and reflect, YOU DID IT! What an accomplishment and what a great feeling!! Look at what you have learned and how far you have come in a short amount of time. Take a look at the bumps in the road that you were able to get past. Taking it one day at a time and one step at a time, literally, puts you in the position you are in right now. Don’t forget how you feel at this moment and if you ever have a weak day or moment remember right now, this moment! Such a feeling that is indescribable and can help you through any rough patch, in the future! Keep up the great work ladies and whether your mini goal is reached this weekend or sometime in the future, enjoy the journey and keep digging…
Today’s thought:
You know our favorite phrase, “quality over quantity”. Yes, indeed that is true in so much of what we do. It is all about quality!! Are you possessing the traits to make you a quality unique gal?? In the eyes of, here are a few traits that make up a quality person…
Shift your focus— you don’t need to convince others of your own value. If you value yourself, that is all that matters. Always shift your focus and a conversation from yourself towards other people. Praise others strengths, value their accomplishments. Put yourself on the back burner and shift your focus on someone else!
Act confidently–exude confidence, speak clearly and do not let other people’s criticism and negativity affect you.
Be friendly–Treat any person you meet as your friend. Just smile and treat everyone the same!
Remember peoples’ names–Big One! How often to you get introduced to someone and can’t even remember who you were just introduced to? Play the name game and find ways to remember peoples’ names!
Be authentic— stand out with your own genuine personality. Let your personality shine and be YOU!
Get in touch with your emotions— relate to what you are feeling, embrace your feelings and then learn to relate to others. Yes, it is important to keep a positive outlook on life and keep our glass half full but it is also important to recognize and embrace negative emotions and be able to communicate how you feel. We are all human and have both types of emotions, recognize them and learn to move past them!
Have purpose–Have a strong sense of purpose. Be a leader, not necessarily because you are a “born leader” with A+ leadership qualities, but because you are driven an idea or passion that you truly believe in.
Offer help–Genuinely offer someone help when they are in need! Could be as simple as a conversation to a hug to a card. Be there for others and offer your helping hand.
Listen more–Listen with interest. be in the moment, not thinking about your next comment but just listen to what others have to say! Make others feel like you really care and are there with an open ear!
Stay true to your word–You must be someone that can be relied on and trusted! When you promise something, stick to your word 100%.
Believe in people–Make others feel powerful, interesting and fun! Give others credit for their accomplishments, encourage and inspire them. Believe in others and they will believe in themselves!
Celebrate life!–Our emotions and our mood are contagious. Choose to be positive. Laugh more. Celebrate life and others will do the same!!
Have a fabulous day Ladies!