Q: Gina, I don’t really understand the concept of circuit training.  You tend to do a lot of these videos. I notice each circuit is slightly different with reps, set and exercises changing.  What is the point of the circuit training and can you give more info on circuit training, thanks!
A: Circuit training is a great way to burn fat and calories, increase strength, and stamina and be the most efficient with your time. Especially if you are looking to tone or not focus on building muscle, circuit training is a great way  to maintain, lean out or tone your physique without focusing on long drawn out concentrated movements.  My circuit training workouts consist of both strength/cardio exercises that are completed one right after the other, with little or no rest in between. You do one set of an exercise for a specified number of repetitions or amount of time and then move on to the next exercise. Once you complete one set of each exercise in a circuit, you can either go back to the beginning of the circuit and repeat the exercises until all the sets are completed or you an continue with other exercises to complete the circuit.
There is no rest period with my circuit training workouts, but you can add in a few rest periods of 30 seconds or so if you need to take a quick break but the goal is to keep your heart rate up and keep moving throughout the workout.  The workouts include the cardio intervals, for example, one minute of jump rope, one minute of jumping jacks, one minute of mountain climbers, and so on to keep your heart rate up for ultimate calorie burning!
They are great workout and a great way to get in your daily workout in the shortest amount of time.  I hope you are enjoying them!