Practice Good Karma and sow the seeds of positive Change in your life by practicing these principles.
Start Your Day with a Positive Intention– A simple acknowledgement of your success will set the tone of your day. Come up with something you want to focus on each day. Maybe it is contentment, balance, happiness, love, etc. No matter what intention you set, if you have a dull moment or questionable decision, come back to your intention to help you.
Get Clear about what Motivates you– Knowing what motivates you will help build that fire within you to go after your goals.
Act for the Good of Others– Selfless goes farther than we understand. When you do things simply for someone else or to make someone else happy, in turn we become happy and reap the benefits without even trying. Do one thing daily to bring someone else up. Send a simple text, send an e-mail or give a hug just because…
Break a Bad habit– Just one, go for it. Big or small, think about something you are working on and work to break a habit. Maybe you chew too much gum, work to cut your habit by cutting each piece in half. No matter what you do, start with making small changes and before you know it habits will be broken.
Before you Act, Think Twice– Before you act or make a decision, ask yourself how this decision or action will affect you later in the day, tomorrow or years from today.We often act too soon and without thought. Before you act, think, think again and then think again…
Use these simple principles in your daily life and see how you can bring positive change into your life!