We are so great about acknowledging that we need goals, both large and small but how often do you start something and then suddenly things get busy and you don’t finish where you started? Do you follow through with things you start? Everything from a book that may be sitting on your nightstand 1/2 read to a scrapbook you have been attempting to finish for months to your fitness goals… Whatever it may be, take a look at you life and how much unfinished business do you have? Part of being and feeling successful is finishing the things you start! So much of the unexplainable feeling you get when you accomplish a goal is the fact that you saw it through, day in and day out, you did everything in your power to finish the task at hand. Think about any unfinished business you have lying around, utilize these few tips and strive to finish where you started!
*Spend less time and energy thinking about what you have to do and just start doing them. Be more productive with your energy and time and stop wasting it on “thinking about what you need to do”.
*You have done the leg work and started your project, now it is all about seeing it through and being consistent and the end is near. The hardest part is starting, not finishing…
*Stay focused on that one project. Take one project at a time, give it all you have and don’t move on to the next until project #1 is completed. You will be a lot more efficient focusing on one thing at a time!
*Just a little bit of time daily and little by little you will see it unfold. One day at a time, just do something towards what it is you are trying to finish. If you take it one day at a time, the entire project doesn’t seem so overwhelming.
* Further procrastination only leads to further frustration and no end result. Rather than continuing to procrastinate or come up with excuses, when you think about what it is you have to do, JUST DO IT, right then!
*Reward yourself, daily, for investing time and energy into completing your project. You may be more motivated if you know that there is a reward waiting for you.
*If you feel like you need an extra push or someone to hold you accountable, find that person or support group and allow them to help you stick with it!
Think of the unfinished tasks you have been putting off. Start with one and commit to finishing what you started!!