As the year draws to a close, most of us spend at least a little time doing some personal reflection. This may have you evaluating your goals, celebrating accomplishments, considering some setbacks and resolving to make improvements in the coming year. This is a great time to set new goals, based on where we currently are, and where we hope to be this time next year.

Have you struggled in reaching your goals? Common reasons are lack of time, having an all-or-nothing attitude, inconsistency, or not having support. My busy lifestyle makes finding time a real challenge. But this doesn’t get in the way of my goals because I have learned to focus on quality over quantity. This valuable lessons can be applied to improving everything you do, in all areas of your life, and especially when it comes to your workouts!

Going into the new year, I want you to adopt a quality over quantity mindset. If you lift weights, focus less at how much you are lifting and concentrate on performing the lift with good form. Dial into that mind-to-muscle connection, feeling every muscle fiber doing the work. When you train mindfully, you can do less, while getting greater results. The same goes for your cardio. If all you have is 10 minutes to work out, make it the best 10 minutes of the day and give it everything you’ve got!

Surprising fact: the majority of my workouts are done with dumbbells that are 10 pounds or less, and often use no weights at all. Yes, that is right! Keeping my focus on engaging my core, feeling each muscle activate, while maintaining perfect form, allows me to get maximum results with minimal time.

Give it a try and see how much more effective your workouts become. Let “quality over quantity” be your mantra. I challenge you, grab your lightest dumbbells, whether that be 3 pounds or 5 pounds, and let’s get to work!


Gina Aliotti’s Quality over Quantity Circuit 

do 15 reps of each exercise

Tricep Extensions with combo bicep curls 

Start holding a pair of dumbbells in each hand. Lean slightly forward with your chest lifted and core engaged. Bring your upper arms to your sides, hugging your body. Begin by pushing the dumbbells back and behind you, until your arms are straight. Squeeze and pause at the top of the movement. Feel the contraction in your triceps then slowly bring the dumbbells back to the starting position, engaging your biceps. Squeeze with the tricep extension and bicep curl combo move.

*G-Tip: Be sure to focus on slow and steady movements rather than using momentum. The slower you can perform the reps the better.


Side Lateral Raises 

Start standing with your feet shoulders width distance apart and holding dumbbells at your sides. Raise the dumbbells up towards your sides until your arms are parallel to the ground. Hold at the top of the rep, squeeze engage then lower and repeat the movement.

Alternating Front Lunge with Front Raise

Start standing with your feet shoulders width distance apart and holding dumbbells at your side. As you take a giant step forward to perform a lunge, raise the dumbbells into a front raise so at the bottom of the lunge the dumbbells are parallel to the ground. As you step back to the starting position, lower the dumbbells back down to the starting position. Repeat the movement on the other leg, alternating one side at a time until you complete 15 reps on each side.

Shoulder Press

Start standing with your feet shoulders width distance apart and holding dumbbells at your ears. Raise the dumbbells up overhead until the dumbbells touch at the top of the rep. Slowly lower back to the starting position and repeat until you have completed 15 reps.

G-Tip: Keep your core engaged throughout the entire movement and use only your upper body without using your legs to power the dumbbells over head.

Bicep Curls

Start with your feet shoulders width distance apart and dumbbells by your side. Curl the dumbbells up squeezing your biceps. Slowly release your hands, keeping tension in your biceps as you lower. Repeat the movement until you have completed 15 reps.

Bent Over Rows

Start holding a pair of dumbbells in each hand with a neutral grip. Lean slightly forward with your chest lifted and core engaged and hands hanging in front of you. Begin the movement by driving the elbows behind your body until the dumbbells are hugging your body. Squeeze and pause at the top of the movement, squeezing your rhomboids together. Feel the contraction in your back then slowly bring the dumbbells back to the starting position, Repeat until you have completed 15 reps.

Rest and repeat the circuit 2-3x. Feel the Burn!

For more QUALITY home workouts, Join my VIP. I will personally take you through workouts and show you how less is more and quality over quantity will deliver RESULTS! Get a week FREE HERE.