We are so heavily influenced by society and what we believe to be “norms” or what we “should do”. Take a look at Your personal goals and directions. Are they true products of what your inner drive is telling you or are you succumbing to the “trends” of society? It is very easy to feel pressure or influenced by other people. Often, you don’t even realize you are being influenced until later in life, if ever at all. Take a really good non bias approach to yourself and discover where your drive and motivation is coming from. Is it coming from YOU or someone/something else?! When you think you know what you want, now ask yourself WHY? That three letter word will make you think deeper and understand where your desire is coming from. If you truly do things for YOU they are more likely to resonate well with you. What that means is you are more likely to stick with them and your goals become a reality why….?? because they came from your own personal inner fire, not someone elses. Think before you act. Be strong, do what resonates well with YOU and not the latest trend or what you feel you “should” be doing!