“Most people think resources or the lack thereof hold them back. In fact it is not lack of resources but rather lack of resourcefulness that truly prevents people from achieving their dreams” -Anthony Robbins
Usually when we are having trouble reaching our goals there are several key factors. We tend to blame external resources but the reality is, we have all the resources we need; it is just a matter of taping into them! If you are creative, determined and resourceful enough, you will find a way to achieve your goals no matter what obstacles come up. Don’t let anything stop you from reaching your dreams! If you are facing a minor bump in the road and find yourself blaming external resources or lack thereof, let’s look within and think again…
Every time we have doubts about starting our something new, taking on a challenge or doing something that takes us out of our box, we act out of fear. No matter what your fears are, use fears as a challenge, motivating you to overcome them. The only way to overcome our fears is to take them on! No matter what your past experiences may be, don’t let anything keep you from continuing to grow and step out of your box! We all have made mistakes and have had our own personal setbacks but don’t let those experiences keep you from moving forward! The only way to overcome Fear is to Tackle it!
It is hard to believe that anything is possible, when you are not reminded or told that you Can do something. It is important to have the proper support group and people surrounding you, those that are right there with you and believe in you 100%. Any outside negativity does nothing but create inner blocks and barriers that can hold you back. There is no time to be held back. This bandwagon is only moving in one direction and that is forward! Any external negativity, you must let it Go!
The tools are right there in front of you! The problem can be, you may not feel that you are “good enough” or “deserve” them. You may know what you want but if you do not believe you deserve those goals and are worthy of your own success, this may be what is holding you back. But the truth is that you have all the tools you need to be that successful person you aspire to be! You have to create your vision, use your energy and to find the inner courage to believe in yourself and go after your dreams. The only person holding you back is yourself! You have it in you, you just have to find it and have the confidence to go after it!
Our mind creates our reality! It focuses on whatever it is told to focus on. If you concentrate on what you lack or on your inability to achieve your goals, your mind will see obstacles and flaws and keep you from obtaining your goals! The key is shifting your focus from what you lack, to where and how you can get it. Your mind is the most powerful tool you have! Use it to work for you and not against you! If you are what you think, only think about the person you want to be and the person you are becoming!
When you don’t feel like doing something, do it anyways! Don’t put off your list of things to do until later! So many goals sound great when you think about them and better yet, write them down, but when it comes to adjusting your schedule, changing your habits, taking consistent action to accomplish those goals, they suddenly don’t look as good. There is no such thing as success without putting in the work! It takes much more energy to think of why you can’t do something than actually doing it!
If you do not know where to start, it is easy to feel overwhelmed and helpless. Lack of knowledge and the fear of the unknown, can be a big obstacle to face! First of all, if it is a fear, it must be tackled, right? You have to start somewhere and don’t be afraid to take your time and learn as you go! Take your time and be patient and you will gain the necessary knowledge as you travel on your journey! You cannot become a master at anything without starting with the basic fundamentals and taking it one step at a time!
“He who would learn to fly one day must first learn to stand and walk and run and climb and dance; one cannot fly into flying.”~ Friedrich Nietzsche
So many people want results but they are not willing to change! If you are doing the same things you have always done, don’t expect to see different results! People are so afraid of stepping out into the unknown so they tend to stay in their comfort zone. Doing what you know best and sticking within that happy place is comforting but does not enable you to grow! The best way to grow and become a more improved you is to take on your fear and embrace change! Change is growth, change is good, change is essential to your overall success!
You can achieve your dreams, whatever they may be! It is about tapping into your resources and putting them to use! We can easily blame so many outside factors but in reality, we are the only factor to blame. We have everything we need to tap into ourselves and use the tools that are put in front of us! With the basic key tools, nothing will stop you! No matter where you are in your journey, facing a minor bump in the road or moving full speed ahead, it is all about being resourceful with the tools that are at your disposal!