Transformation is something that resides within each of us! It is something that cannot be taught like the knowledge you obtain from school. A teacher preaches about a war and suddenly you are informed and your cognition is transformed. Personal transformation requires something a little more than being told. Personal transformation requires your 110% dedication, mental strength and will, determination, need, desire and commitment. It is not a quick concept but rather a process that takes time. It may not be an easy process to begin, maybe because people don’t know how, when or where to start. If you want to seek transformation, all you have to do is start somewhere, start today, right now. If you don’t, you are not really ready or don’t want it bad enough… Deep down inside there may be something you keeping you from taking action. Is it your comfort zone? If you want to take on a personal transformation, remember that you have to be the one to start the process and see it through. There are pointers and guides that will help you along the way but the essence of your transformation begins within and with YOU. Transformations don’t happen over night but if take action, they happen quicker than if you sit back and wait. We all have the ability to make any personal transformation we want. Personal transformation takes a little more self teaching and exploration than being told the facts. You have the power to change, you have the ability to take on the process but are you ready and willing?