Let’s talk GREEN drinks! Green drinks contain healthy greens, powerful antioxidants, protein and often healthy fats. Green drinks have become more popular over the years because of all of their amazing benefits. Green drinks are not only SO good for you but they are a simple creative way to get in your protein AND GREENS. You may see some green drinks that are strictly greens however with protein a HIGH priority in the G-Fit lifestyle, we are sure to add protein into our green drinks. 

There are many variations of recipes you can use to create green juice. Some of the common green vegetables and herbs used to make green juice include spinach, kale, cucumber, celery, wheatgrass, parsley, and mint. Some recipes include fruits to sweeten the taste including apples, berries, melon and bananas. The amount of variety is ENDLESS, which is why I created the perfect green drink formula for you to explore different variations with the same powerful benefits.

Download your copy of The G-Fit Green Drink formula HERE.

Let’s talk about all the powerful benefits of green drinks, aside from the fact that they are super tasty! 

The Top 5 Benefits of Green Drinks:

Nutrient-Rich: Green drinks contain a variety of leafy greens with essential nutrients including vitamins A, C, and K, as well as minerals like iron and calcium. These nutrients support various bodily functions, from immune function to bone health.

Antioxidant Powerhouse: Many green vegetables are rich in antioxidants. These compounds help combat oxidative stress and reduce inflammation in the body, essentially lowering your risk for ALL diseases.

Alkalizing Effect: Green vegetables have an alkalizing effect on the body. Maintaining a slightly alkaline environment in the body supports overall health and may contribute to better digestion, improved energy levels, and detoxing your system.

Digestive Support: Green drinks often contain fiber-rich ingredients which promote healthy digestion and keeping you regular. Fiber helps to bulk up stools, prevents constipation, and nourishes beneficial gut bacteria, keeping your digestive track healthy!

Hydration: Many green drinks include water-rich ingredients like cucumbers and celery, which contribute to hydration. By consuming green drinks, you can support your body’s hydration needs while also benefiting from the nutrients they provide, win-win!

Green Drinks are a perfect way to keep the G-Fit menu fresh, delicious and nutritious. The APRIL menu in the G-Fit app includes a green drink a day. I have worked the green drinks into the G-Fit Carb cycling methods so you can get LEAN while drinking GREEN without ever counting a macro or calorie again!

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