-2 1/2 cups tomatos, halved
-1 cup cucumber , peeled, seeded and chopped
-1/4 cup onion , chopped
-1 yellow bell pepper , chopped
-3 garlic cloves, peeled
-1 1.2 cups cold water
-3 tsp. sherry vinegar
-1/4 tsp. cayenne
-2/3 cup olive oil
-Kosher salt and black pepper

Soak tomatoes, cucumbers, onion, bell pepper, and garlic in water for 5 minutes, then drain.

In a blender, process vegetables and garlic on high speed for 1 minute. Pass mixture through filter to discard pulp.

Return liquid to blender, and add vinegar and add mixutre in thirds, blending on low and tasting after each addition. Stop when flavors are balanced.

With blender running, add olive oil in a slow, steady stream, about 1 minute. Season to taste with salt, pepper, and sherry vinegar. Serve slightly chilled.