Breakfast is KEY to ANY weight loss or healthy balanced lifestyle! You want to jump start your metabolism and get your system fired up first thing in the morning! You have been “fasting” all night and you need to break your fast immediately upon waking, hence the name “break- fast”. A common breakfast you hear of is oatmeal and egg whites! This is a super common and healthy breakfast that will jump start your system and definitely a satisfying option! The key to success is all about changing things up! There are so many ways to eat this typical healthy meal! It is about getting creative and having fun with each meal. Here is a great way to eat your typical oatmeal and egg whites… Try my Toasted Oats!
I used coconut oil spray to coat my frying pan, placed oats in the pan, fried or “sautéed” with cinnamon and stevia until golden brown and set aside. Then separately cooked my egg whites (which could also be cooked with your toasted oats) added them to my oats and enjoyed! Fun for a change and different texture. Give this a try! Enjoy!!!
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