Feeling great and continuing to stay active. After my restful weekend, I have had my energy and not felt so tired. It seems to come in waves. Not sure though if it is just after a busy week because it seems to hit me on the weekends.
Meal #1: 1/4 cup wheat bran, 1/4 cup oatmeal, 1 scoop protein, blueberries
Meal #2: Grapefruit with a quest Bar
Meal #3: 6 egg whites, cabbage sauté with 1/2 avocado Nori Wraps
Meal #4: 1/4 cup wheat Bran & 1/4 cup oatmeal with protein shake
Meal #4: 1/4 cup wheat Bran & 1/4 cup oatmeal with protein shake
Meal #5: 6 egg whites with mix of green beans and asparagus (with Katsup-craving)
Meal #6: Protein shake with Chia Seed
Meal #6: Protein shake with Chia Seed
I have been loving my salads and here are a few from the past few days: Big, Green, Fresh, health and yummy! Funny because I was not into salads earlier in my pregnancy but now am all about them again, funny how things change…
Shrimp Salad
Roasted Veggie & Chicken Salad
Things are going great, been getting in my 50 minutes of cardio on the incline treadmill, min 5x/week, aiming for 6 with a total rest day, but see how it goes. I have been getting in mini circuits, aiming for 4x/week. Took today as an OFF day.
I had the pleasure of meeting a client, member and dear friend from Australia this week, Jodie Mason. It is always so fun and exciting to meet people who I have been working with for sometime. It felt we had known each other forever. I feel so fortunate to be able to have such relationships with people all over the world! Really what makes me smile and happy!!
and we were able to capture a group photo with Traci and Tracy 🙂
Things are going great and the countdown is on to find out if it is going to be a Baby Boy G or Baby Girl G 🙂

Until next time… xo
ps- sleeping a little better but still, like clockwork, getting up at 3:30 and eating meal 1 & going back to bed. Wonder how long this will continue…
hugs, Gina