Achieve Your Goals With ...
The Power of Consistency
Consistency is the key to the G-Fit Method. This is the secret to doing LESS and achieving MORE. While consistency isn’t easy- we have made it easier with the G-Fit Methods and simple formulas.
When you master the simple yet effective ways to stay consistent, you can finally master the results you have always wanted.
More on The Guaranteed Way to Create Habits That Stick.
The Role of Consistency
Why Consistency Matters
If I had to sum up how to be successful on your fitness longevity journey in 2 words, I would say Persistence and Consistency!
When you first start out, it is normal to feel like you are working hard and investing so much time, money, and energy into a plan but your efforts aren’t matching your results. This is a pivotable time in your journey where you either trust and keep going or do what most people do, throw in the towel and either give up or find yourself back in the hampster wheel, doing it all over again. However, if you do NOT give up and stay persistent with your goals and consistent with your efforts you WILL get there. A normal fitness journey is not a straight line. It is quite jagged with ebbs and flows. You learn as you go, you find what works, what doesn’t work and you become stronger in the process. While you are gaining mental strength, you are also allowing your body the time it takes to transform. Muscle isn’t built overnight and fat isn’t lost in a week. You have to stay persistent and consistent to see your efforts pay off. If you can exercise your patience muscle and focus on PC (Persistence and Consistency) your results are inevitable- I PROMISE!
When you feel like you want to give up, just keep going. Put one foot in front of the other. Adopt the stepping mindset. Let go of your sprinter mindset that has a timeline of when you “should get there” and turn your attention towards the journey. If you can learn to shift your mindset, everything will change. Remember, you don’t have to do this, you GET TO do this. You get to choose to show up for you. You get to move your body. You get to eat foods that fuel you and give you energy. Consistency doesn’t come without challenges but when you overcome the challenges you realize it is within the challenges that you learn the power of consistency. Don’t look too far ahead at how far you have to go. Only look at what is your next best step? What is the next best decision? The G-Fit methods help you to simplify your approach and make consistency do-able.
We all have our mental and physical barriers but what defines us from our neighbor is how we deal with these obstacles. There isn’t much that is within our control but what is within our control is how we show up and if we choose to keep going. This is your superpower!
Life happens, things are going to come up, you are going to miss a workout or have an extra piece of chocolate cake but just consistently and persistently move on… One of my favorite mantras is RBO, Right Back On. No matter what, there is no such thing as failure, you pick yourself back up, learn and get RBO (right back on). When you let go of failure and trust that the stumbles is where you learn and grow, you seek failure as opportunities to become better. When you are consistent, you create a routine that becomes second nature. This routine helps you stay focused and motivated, even when challenges arise. By integrating consistency into your life, you harness the power of small, incremental steps that lead to significant, lasting change.
Today, reflect on these 2 words: Persistence and Consistency! Where in your journey can you be a bit more consistent? Can you let go of when you will get there and trust yourself that as long as you keep stepping you WILL get there?
Consistency is what will allow you to do LESS and get MORE results. What seems hard at first will soon become easy- Cue mantra Hard-Easy… You’ve got this!
Consistency Tips
How to Stay Consistent
1. Set SUPER SMALL realistic goals: These have to be tiny actions that you will take daily… The goal is NOT to go all or nothing, it is about creating something tiny that you can accomplish daily. Maybe you start with a stepping goal? One of my favorite challenges I ran was my 10K Step Challenge. Step-Tember or not, this may be a fun goal you set for yourself.
Once you create your new goal, we are going to celebrate every day along the way to accomplishing your goal. We don’t wait to celebrate, we celebrate along the way. this is how we build momentum and excitement to keep going.
2. Create a Routine: Have you heard of Habit Stacking? Habit Stacking is a guaranteed strategy to create habits that stick. Once you know what your goal is, it is important to establish a time you are going to take action toward your goal. Consistency thrives on routine so we have to create the habit you will do daily. This is where Habit Stacking is key! Learn more HERE.
3. Track Your Progress: Keep a journal or use a tracking app to monitor your progress. I love an old-school checklist. There is nothing better than checking off the days as you go. Every day checked off is a day of success. Seeing your achievements, no matter how small, can boost your motivation and commitment.
4. Stay Flexible: One of my favorite mantras in my book, Your Feathered Soul, is Be Bendable. Life can be unpredictable and we must allow yourselves some flexibility. Be solid in your why but bendable in your approach. Your day may unfold differently than you expected, that is okay! You may find yourself taking action at a different time or maybe you end up missing a day… You must NOT get discouraged and see this as a failure but rather as a way to learn how to be more bendable. Consistency is going to require firmness yet flexibility. We have to let go of an all-or-nothing mindset and focus on consistently getting back on track- cue another mantra, RBO (right back on). This will be the fuel in your forever consistency success.
5. Accountability is Key: Share your goals with a friend, join a community that supports you and pushes you when you need and picks you up when you fall. Having support will be the backbone of your consistency. Knowing you are not alone is huge! Having accountability partners can provide the encouragement and motivation you need to stay consistent and showing up. Look no further, join the G-Fit Tribe and meet the most positive, motivating and empowering group of women online! Join us HERE.
Remember, consistency is about making steady progress over time. It is not an all-or-nothing process but a long game that will be the most rewarding WIN of your life. By implementing these tips into your daily life, you are creating a solid foundation for your long-term success.
Consistency is the name of the G-Fit Game my friend and I am here to help you!
The Power of Consistency
My Journey with Consistency
I commonly get asked how I stay in such great shape…
My answer is NOT long hours in the gym, 24/7 “dieting”, restrictions, Hours of cardio, etc.
Rather my answer: CONSISTENCY.
Over the years of day in and day out efforts has led me to this solid foundation. If you are consistent with your goals, you set up the base you will live with forever. It is the small things over time, NOT the big things over a short amount of time!
Consistency is always my answer and that truly sums it up. Consistency is Key!
I love and always use this quote from Robert Collier because it sums it up perfectly.
It couldn’t be closer to the truth. Think consistency, small not big efforts but those small efforts day in and day out, consistently.
Robert Collier
” Success is The Sum of Small Efforts, Repeated Day in and Day Out. “

Start Your Consistency Journey Today
Ready to finally shift your life?
Start by setting small, achievable goals and commit to them daily. The SMALLER the better. You don’t need to go big, trust me SMALL is the secret sauce here. Next, keep track of your progress ( I LOVE checklists). Then we MUST celebrate your wins. I call these NSV (Non-scale victories). We don’t just celebrate when we get there but the entire way towards the goal. Every day, these small wins lead to significant changes. Consistency is the secret to reaching your goals and creating lasting habits. I am the queen of consistency and am here to help you create lasting change in your life!