Back to what we were talking about earlier this week, saying less is so much more….Why is it that the word “no” is so hard to conquer? Seems to be a common issue and one I wanted to offer a few pointers on how to tackle this concept and make it an everyday part of your vocabulary.
After a while, you realize all the times of not saying “no”, you thought were getting you so far when in reality, they are not helping you at all. You end up spending a lot of time and energy for other people and not spending nearly as much time on yourself. Remember, we are talking selfless ladies, you have to invest in yourself first in order to give to others with all you’ve got!
Possible Reasons why “no” is so hard to conquer:
-You want to help. Even if it takes time, you just want to help!!
-You are afraid of being rude.
-Wanting to be flexible and go with the flow.
-Fear of conflict.
-Fear of lost opportunities.
-Not burning bridges.
Remember, saying “No” doesn’t mean you are being rude; neither does it mean you are being disagreeable. Saying “No” doesn’t mean there will be conflict nor that you’ll lose opportunities in the future. And saying no most definitely doesn’t mean you’re burning bridges. These are all false beliefs we make up in our minds!!
At the end of the day, it’s about how you say “no”, rather than the fact you’re saying no, that affects the outcome. We all have our own priorities and needs that make us work efficiently! Saying no is about respecting and valuing your time and space.
So what are the best ways to say “no”?? Remember, it is not what you say, but how you say it….
-“I can’t commit to this as I have other priorities at the moment.”
-“Now’s not a good time as I’m in the middle of something. How about we reconnect at ______ time?”
-“I’d love to do this, but it just isn’t going to work for me right now, but thank you!”
-“Let me think about it first and I’ll get back to you.”
-“This doesn’t meet my needs now but I’ll be sure to keep you in mind.”
-“No, I can’t.”
-“No, Sorry.”
We build up too many mental barriers on how hard this word can be. Remember, often the time we stress about how we are going to say “no” is far worse than actually doing it. Don’t think so much about saying no and just say it. What is the worse that can happen?
Learn to say no to things that don’t go hand in hand with reaching your goals. You will find that with such a simple word, you can open up the doors to so many more opportunities, having more time for yourself, your work and things that are most important to you. Watch how your world opens up!!
Easier said than done but tray practicing saying NO today! Pretty soon it will be an everyday part of your vocabulary and your world will transpire!