Thanksgiving is right around the corner and many of you may be having anxiety of how to handle all the
food?? No worries, let me give you a few pointers to keep you moving in the right direction!
-Do not eat less, during the day, to save your calories for dinner. So many people try to workout more
and eat less, in order to bank their calories for later but this is NOT a smart idea. First of all,
you want to keep your metabolism moving so need to start with your breakfast and eat every 2-3 hours
thereafter. In order to be able to burn off that Thanksgiving food, you need your metabolism to be
revved up, right? On the other hand, if you wait to eat until Thanksgiving, you will be absolutely
starving and end up eating much more than if you were to have been eating on your regular schedule! I
even suggest having a bite to eat or a protein shake before you head over to your Thanksgiving
celebration, so you are so starving you want to eat everything in site!
–Drink plenty of water to keep you hydrated.  Often we think we are hungry but in reality we are just dehydrated.  It is never a bad idea to drink plenty of water so you can’t go wrong but on this day be sure to drink your fare share!!
–Please do not commit yourself to diet food on this special day! This is one day I would not recommend you BYOC, (bring your own chicken), you know how we do that chicken in a purse… 😉  Make your smart choices but don’t go super strict diet mode, unless you are preparing for a show.  This is a special day for us to be thankful for our families and everything we have.  This is part of live and the enjoyment of celebration should be celebrated.  Out of all the days you go strict diet mode, take Thanksgiving to make your smart choices, you have learned over time, and allow yourself to celebrate with everyone.  Don’t torture yourself into self-deprivation.  You can still celebrate and enjoy without going crazy and over doing it! Get your fare share of salad, veggies, white-meat and non creamy sides but you can allow yourself a small bite of your family traditional favorites!  Thanksgiving actually offers plenty of the foods on our good food list!  (turkey, green beans, yams, etc.) Be smart and taste within moderation!!  My little tip– indulge more in the protein and veggies and less on the starchy/carby dishes.
–Start your day off with a nice hour of exercising!  Just like we do most days, be sure to get in your exercise.  Not only will you feel like 100 bucks and not so guilty when you are eating a little bit of the fun foods but it will immediately help rev that metabolism up, first thing to keep you burning all day long!!!
–Have a bit or too of dessert, as long as you don’t over do it.  If you do, don’t feel guilty!  As long as you only have a small piece, you are in the Clear! If you fill up on your roughage and lean proteins at dinner, I am sure you wont be wanting to kill an entire pumpkin pie but at the same time if it is mama’s special pie, go for a bite or two.  My thought is, if it was bought as Safeway, I would pass but if it was mama that slaved away baking all day, come on, give it a taste or two!!
–Have fun enjoy family, friends and all you have to be thankful for.  Keep things within moderation and remember to start back up on your typical program the following day. My little pointer, the following day– Keep it super low carb, eating your lean meats and veggies with only carbs in meal 1 & 2.  Add a serving of fat (1 tbsp pb or almond butter, almonds or flax) before bedtime.  Keep the diet clean the following day.  Also be sure to get in your cardio…
Please post any holiday traditions or fun times in the forum for all to share.
I will also start a log on things we are thankful for…