List, we all love lists. Without lists, where would we be, what would we do? Check lists can make your life so much easier and more organized! With the holidays comes lists galore. Grocery Lists, gift lists, things to do, things to pack, they lists go on an on. Creating a list before you head out to the grocery store is really important. You wan to be sure you get everything you need in one trip to avoid buying things that you don’t need, maybe that you already have and to avoid the unnecessary time to make another trip to the grocery store! Go through your cupboards, refrigerator, freezer and make a list of ALL the ingredients necessary to prepare your holiday dinner. Once you create your list, check it twice and then get out and start checking things off!
Below is a Thanksgiving Check List to help you organize your thoughts…
The best time to shop for your thanksgiving groceries is after 7 p.m. when the crowds die down and you can shop at ease without too many crowds!