March Challenge Calendar

March Challenge Calendar

Who’s ready for another Challenge! This month we are focusing on the backside with some squats, Tabata style! Enter your e-mail below and I will send over your challenge calendar (within the hour of signing up) Working on our Bikini Body NOW. Join me and...

More on the NEW VIP Option

Several questions on the VIP so here it goes… I will have to do a Facebook Live to explain more.. My VIP evolved into something great!! Let me list everything AND I will explain in video (LIVE) in the coming days to fully explain. First of all EVERYONE will...

Gina Aliotti’s Summer Squat Challenge

100 Squats a Day Every Day of Summer, You IN???? 100 Squats a day, any variation and however many at a time as long as you complete 100 squats a day. Even if all you can do is 100 squats Coupled with a clean diet, my UAP is perfect, you will see incredible results. I...

Finding that Zone

Do you ever workout or do cardio and feel completely in a zone? What about while practicing yoga where you are completely in the moment and nothing else is crossing your mind. All the distractions of life seem to melt away. The goal is to get in “the zone’...

Change, are you up for the challenge?

Change begins with hope. When you make promises to yourself to change, you are making a promise to yourself to bring yourself to a higher level. When you are hopeful and are willing to take on change, as scary as it may be, you are honoring yourself and your true...