Your adrenals are key to your overall success!  Your adrenal gland physiology can cause a series of  issues in the body that can negatively impact your training. You can not blame your glads but rather they are doing their job and have to look at the source of what is causing them to fire!
You have a pair of triangular-shaped glands sitting on top of your kidneys called the adrenals. Their primary function is to help your body manage and survive during stressful situations.
When you get in a stressful situation what happends is your brain sends a nerve impulse directly via the preganglionic sympathetic fibers to your adrenal medulla to secrete adrenaline, otherwise known as epinephrine (or aka adrenaline).
Epinephrine increases blood pressure, respiration rate, heart rate, increases glucose, and dilates the pupils, all for the purpose of enabling you to quickly and safely get out of a potentially life-threatening situation. This was is an automatic reaction that comes straight from your brain.
At the same time your brain sends a nerve impulse,and releases a hormone — corticotrophin releasing hormone (CRH) from the hypothalamus — which tells the pituitary to release adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), which then tells the adrenal glands to produce cortisol.
Cortisol’s primary role is to increase blood glucose levels to provide fuel to your muscles and brain during a stressful situation.
Now a third hormone is released from the adrenal glands called aldosterone, a mineralcorticoid, which helps regulate sodium and potassium levels in the body.
Abnormal cortisol levels will wreck your efforts in the gym. Chronically elevated cortisol causes a number of issues including suppression of pituitary function which can lead to low Testosterone levels.
The adrenal glands release hormones based on inputs from other areas of the body. In other words, if someone is having symptoms of low cortisol, perhaps it’s not the adrenal glands that need help, but rather something in the body is actually telling the adrenal glands to produce less cortisol.  Everything is being caused by something else!
High cortisol can be a real problem!! Below are a few examples of their negative impact:
-Suppression of TSH, decreased conversion of T4 to T3.
-Increased blood glucose levels.
-Suppressed pituitary function, leading to low luteinizing hormone and low Testosterone.
-Decreased liver detoxification
-Decreased immune system function, leading to increased risk of infection.
How do you know if your adrenals are shot or your cortisol levels are up?
Below are symptoms to watch out for:

-difficulty falling asleep, allergies, excessive perspiration, and gastric ulcers.
-difficulty staying asleep (waking up during the night), dizziness when standing quickly, blurred vision, shakiness or lightheadedness between meals, and relief of fatigue after eating.
When trying to achieve your ultimate goals and minimize anything that can halt your progress, it is essential to support your adrenals!  Other than the unavoidable everyday stressors of life, be sure to keep yourself in a place where you can avoid certain sitations and take control over things you have control over!  Start with a positive attitude and avoiding negativity and that is a start to supporting those adrenals!