As I’m sure you’ve noticed, fat is no longer the bad guy. Now, everyone from the American Dietetic Association to the American Cancer Institute to the American Heart Association agrees that sugar is the main cause of obesity and disease.

Getting Americans to cut back on added sugars should now be our focus. At one time it was thought to be carbs and then fats but the real cause and issue lies within sugar. When you look at added sugars versus natural sugars, it can get tedious and confusing but when you look at sugar on a larger scale, it is easier to identify where these daunting sugars are coming from. Research shows that almost half (46%) of the added sugars consumed come from sodas, sports drinks and other sweetened beverages, hence why so many people can lose weight by cutting out sodas!!

Most Americans are eating or drinking about twice as much sugar as they should. Did you know that on average, American adults eat 21 teaspoons of sugar every day? This equals to about 137 pounds a year!! No wonder Americans are fighting obesity!! If it isn’t in the sweetened beverages, it may be in the baked goods like cakes and cookies or breakfast cereals. Believe it or not, cereals account for almost as much sugar as candy in the American diet, can you believe that! Yes, so much for a nutritious breakfast, huh….
Think you are off to hook because you eat and drink all “sugar free”?? Think again!! Manufactures have a way with labeling and you may be misinformed because “sugar free,” doesn’t necessarily mean completely “free of sugar”!. By law, it can have up to ½ gram of sugar. This may not seem like a lot, but it all adds up and Fast! Here are examples of what you may see on a label!!
* cane sugar
* corn syrup
* honey
* maple syrup
* molasses
* glucose
* lactose
* maltose
* fructose
* sucrose
* sorbitol
* xylitol
* mannitol
* dextrose
* sorghum
* galactose
* fruit juice concentrate
* high fructose corn syrup
Serving size is also important. For instance, 8 ounces of Powerade has 14 grams of sugar but many bottles that are bought are 32 ounces meaning you are drinking 4 servings for a total of 56 grams of sugar!
Sugar is used by the body but not in amounts that are more than is needed. It is broken down into the simple sugar, glucose, to be used as energy. Any unused glucose is converted into glycogen and stored in the muscles and liver. If your body has enough stored glycogen, Yes, this excess turns to fat and is only used if all of the stored glycogen is used up!!
Be sure to make your smart choices and be aware of hidden sugars! Read labels and by all means, avoid sodas and sports drinks!!
Simple rule to live by….