Human beings have both strengths and weaknesses. Yes all human beings! Whether you are the president of the United States or the Queen of England, we all have both strengths and weaknesses. We have the choice and it is up to us to decide where we focus our attention and energy! Where do you focus your attention? Do you find that you focus on criticizing yourself for the things that need improvement rather than your strengths? It can be so much easier to see what is wrong with yourself or to focus on areas of your life that need improvement, but stop right there. Focus on all the things that are right and all the positive components of your life. Focus on how all your hard work had paid off and gotten you to where you are, right now! Where you focus your energy is going to determine the outcome of how you see yourself and the life you live today. If you focus on the negative, guess what, that is all you will see and you literally convince yourself that those things are indeed true. Of course, we always are wanting to implement, Kaizen– (constant improvement), but getting down on yourself doesn’t help in your journey towards self improvement. The best way to implement Kaizen is to focus on your strengths. Acknowledge weak points and areas that you want to improve but don’t focus so much of your attention on them that you forget about all your strengths! We all have them, Yes we do! As you focus on what you are good at and OWN your weaknesses, your weaknesses will only improve. Strengths and weaknesses, we all have them. Focus today on your strengths and let your weaknesses just be.
What are 3 of your strengths??
“If you spend too much time working on your weaknesses, all you end up with is a lot of strong weaknesses.”~ Dan Sullivan