We all love snacks! Snacks can be one of the best things in the world, keeping our metabolism going and from getting too hungry, in between meals, and potentially over eating. Snacks can also be the worst thing in the world if you do not know how to pick and choose them. It is only human nature to want a snack but do you know how the tools to help you snack properly? Here is a list to help guide and help you with your snacking habits.
1. While snacking, pick a place to eat your snack and when you are done, move on with your day. If you grab a snack, plop yourself down in front of a computer or the TV, you are more apt to mindlessly snack rather than satisfying that in-between meal time munchy. If you are at home, maybe the kitchen table or kitchen. If you are at work, maybe the lunch room or your desk. Pick a place, enjoy your snack and move on…
2. Make it quick. If you need to snack on the go, think beyond a bag of potato chips. Bring a handful of almonds or your favorite nuts, seeds, homemade granola, popcorn, veggie sticks, Greek yogurt, Lean meat slices, seaweed snacks, piece of fruit, etc. Whatever it is, be sure that you only grab a serving size. Rather than grabbing the entire bag of nuts, have a pre made serving bag available so you grab that serving and go. When you are done, you are done, without any potential to over do your snack!
3. Don’t be fooled by labeling gimmicks. Foods marketed as low-fat or fat-free can still be high in calories, sodium, sugar etc. Check nutrition labels to really know what you are eating. Better yet, opt for homemade snacks rather than purchasing “snack” type items at the store. Snacks you purchase in the store are not as healthy as they often make themselves out to be. Better make your own snacks than going for the processed junk!
4. Go for the grain. Whole-grain snacks – such as whole grain pretzels or tortillas and low-sugar, whole-grain cereals such as oatmeal and Kashi can be the perfect snack full of sustaining energy and fiber.
5. Out of sight, out of mind. If the cookie jar is full, you’ll probably snack on a cookie. If there aren’t any cookies in the house, you are most likely not going to go out and buy a cookie but go for the things that are available. If there is something that you know is tempting, keep it out of your house or out of the office. Load the cupboards with fresh fruit raw veggies or whole grain items to offer you a healthy go to item!
6. Think outside the box and try something new. Yes, baking and cooking takes time but when you have a few extra minus, search our recipe section and cook or bake up a healthy snack. The little bit of extra time it takes for you to prepare a dish will save you tons of time trying to run or walk off those unnecessary and unwanted calories. Not to mention, our recipes (Gina’s & Members) will leave you much more satisfied and guilt free! Try a recent PB & J snack posted.
7. Revisit breakfast. Be sure you are A. eating breakfast and B. eating a wholesome balanced, high fiber breakfast to get your day started right and avoiding unnecessary snacking. Many breakfast foods, which are my favorite, also make great snacks. Any of our protein pancakes, muffins or bars are great snack ideas and utilize our favorite go to breakfast foods such as egg whites, protein powders and oatmeal. Breakfast foods make great snacks and probably one of my favorite foods!
8. Use the freezer. You have a freezer (or two, if you are me) use it! Make extra “snacks” and place them in the freezer so they are ready to go when you need them. You spend that little bit of extra time cooking and then you save that time later when your snack is ready to go! Pre made meals or last nights dinner also make great snacks!
9. Sweeten it up. Healthy snacks don’t need to be bland and if you are craving something sweet, you can have your special treat. Try one of our sweeter snacks such as cucumbers with stevia. This is a simple snack that satisfies any sweet tooth! There are so many other snacks that we create using stevia that satisfy that sweet tooth! Rather than going for pure sugar, the no calorie natural sweeteners do the trick with out the added calories and spike in blood sugar!
10. Remember sometimes you really aren’t hungry but rather thirsty! Be sure you are hydrated and drinking plenty of water throughout the day so you don’t snack when really you are thirsty! Try adding fruit (berries, apples, lemon, limes or cucumbers) to your water for added flavor and to satisfy that little need for flavor. You can also try teas, coffees or flavored Stevia packets to help liven up your water!
Happy snacking!