Q: Hey Gina…
I’m currently working 10 hour shifts (law enforcement) and when I get off my shift all I want to do is relax because I’m just so drained.
I don’t want my training to suffer wo I want to train in the morning before my shift, unfortunately I’m very limited in time… I have an hour and 15 to 20 minutes to get in my cardio and weights in. Mind you, I want to compete in bikini in May.
What do you suggest my split and training regimen be? I come to you because I trust your advice above anyone else’s! I always say to myself WWGD (what would Gina do) LOL
A: Great Question! First of all you are NOT alone! Wow, that is a long day and there are lots of people that are in your same boat. This is a very realistic situation and one that needs attention. This is definitely a hard schedule to juggle but there are things you can do. First of all, it is important to evaluate your current situation and the facts. If you have limited time in your schedule, maybe it isn’t the best time to compete. This is a time where you should be making healthy choices, doing what you can and living a healthy life. When time frees up then maybe you take on the challenge of competition. It is definitely a commitment to compete and the biggest suggestion I can make is to wait until you are able to give 110% so you can be your absolute best. It is all about being realistic with yourself, your schedule and what you have going on in your life. Regardless of your decision to compete or just be a lifestyler… here are my suggestions
TRAIN 5X/WEEK  (2 of those days on your days off from work)
Split your workouts so you are doing less body parts per workout so you can get a good and efficient workout in on the body parts you do train. Maybe you split your workouts as such
-5th day- second body part (s) of your choice
On days you work, do cardio first thing in the morning- 45 minutes, eat meal #1 then weight train.
On weekends (off from work), you can do a.m. cardio and then go back to the gym for weights
Hope this helps. My suggestion is to be realistic with yourself. Competing often calls for double day cardio session so ask yourself if you have time for this right now?
Shows will always be around so don’t feel like you HAVE to step on stage in the near future…
On a final note, remember that for the lifestylers, 1 hour and 15-20 minutes of total gym time is very realistic and doable. Anything more than that is stepping into the competitor world and away from everyday lifestyle living.
You are doing awesome to ask these questions and really put thought into how you can make things work! Planning is Succeeding!!
Keep up the great work!