Have you done inventory of your kitchen lately?? Have things piled in the kitchen that shouldn’t be there? There is never a bad time to take a look around and inspect your cupboards and refrigerator for those –oh so tempting– items that can cause you to take a detour from your fitness program! In order to ensure you are going to be free from temptation and stick to a healthy lifestyle of living, you first must live in a healthy household!
We are all human and no matter how determined we are, we all have our moments! There is that lovely time of the month, those moments of weakness and those times when you just want to eat everything in site, it is inevitable. Step #1, accept that you are human and things happen. Step #2, plan accordingly and ensure that your household is loaded with healthy go to snacks for those moments you hope you never have. When those moments come about, it is essential that you have those go to healthy snacks to save you from temptation! Not every day will these moments come about but when they do, it is better to be safe than sorry! Know what your weakness are. Is it the jar of nut butter, bag of nuts, chocolate ice cream you have had sitting in the freezer forever or is it the loaf of sour dough bread that you for some reason just bought?? Things happen but it is smart to prepare your environment so there is a less likely chance that you will go for temptations. Why tempt yourself, right??
There’s no better time to take inventory of what’s in your kitchen and be real with yourself? Go through and ask yourself if anything you have will hurt your progress? Take those temptations, put them on the counter and ask yourself, will this hurt my progress or help my progress? Ask yourself if when you decide to give into your temptation, will _____________ make you feel better? If the answer is “hurt your progress” or “no, it will not make you feel better”, ditch it!!! We have results and life long progress knocking at our door and the only visitors allowed are those that are going to help us reach our ultimate goals!
Start with the fridge and pantry. Focus on replacing sugary and high-calorie foods with whole grains and lower-calorie alternatives. If there is no expiration date on the product or if the expiration date is years from today, get rid of it!!!
Throw out: Thick dressings, white rice, creamers, white pasta, chips, dip, soda, mayonnaise, pudding and just say no to white products! RULE OF THUMB, IF IT IS WHITE, IT DOES NOT BELONG IN YOUR KITCHEN! (SUGAR, FLOUR, ETC.)
-Keep: Vinegars, Healthy Oils, greens, nuts, sweet potatoes, yams, whole wheat products (if you don’t have a gluten intolerance or allergy), brown and wild grain rice, quinoa, oatmeal, salsa, mustard, natural applesauce.
* Learn to read food labels. If there is something on the label you cannot pronounce, get rid of it!!!
* Load up on Fresh produce! On the Gina Plan, remember Greens and Veggies are ALL FREE!! (except, carrots, peas, corn and beats– those are eaten in moderation and not FREE)
* Always have pitcher of water in the refrigerator for a go to refresher. Add cucumbers, lime, lemon or your favorite berries or fruit to the water for extra flavor without the added calories or sweeteners! 🙂
* Start Stocking up on your spices and herbs so healthy food doesn’t get boring.
* Start investing in an array of Tupperware for your left overs and all your in advance food preparation! Not to mention your individual Tupperware for your daily meals!
* Find Fun ways to Keep yourself motivated while in the Kitchen. Place motivational quotes or motivational photos throughout your kitchen to remind you of why you are on your program, until your program becomes a way of life! Even then, keep those positive, motivational quotes, photos, or whatever may drive you, in sight to remind you of how amazing this lifestyle is and how great it makes you feel! The best place to start with a motivational quite is in the door of a refrigerator so when you open it, it is the first thing you see! That is sure to keep you on your toes and out of the Peanut Butter Jar!!
Remember, You will NOT get those abs you are wanting if you do not focus on what you are putting in your mouth! All the ab crunches and sit ups in the world wont get you your washboard abs if you don’t focus on your healthy diet! Preparation and Success begins in the Kitchen so remember that there is never a bad time to take inventory!!