Q: Gina, Can you please suggested the appropriate exercises for women pregnant, around 6 months. I’ve read in different articles, nothing above the head, no flat bench exercise or ab exercises. Can you please advise a good circuit program. Preferably free weights and machines, please?
A: Great question and if you are the one pregnant, Congratulations!!! How exciting!!! First of all, I have heard that too that you shouldn’t do any exercises above your head but who knows where that came from because you absolutely can!
So glad you are continuing to workout while pregnant as not only are you helping yourself stay in shape but you are ensuring your baby comes out as healthy as can be! 🙂 You are also preparing your body for the birthing process so there are many reasons to continue with your workouts! The one thing to note is that you should avoid over heating your body, especially during the first trimester, so sounds like you are good in this area, being 6 months along. You definitely want to avoid any crazy high intensity workouts where your heart rate can go above 75%.
You really can do similar exercises as you were doing before you were pregnant such as your full body dumbbell workout or various machine exercises. Remember to go for less heavy weights and more for reps, focus on your breathing, and not over exerting yourself.
As far as training your abs throughout your pregnancy, you can but as you move to the second and third trimesters, it is not recommended that you lie on your back, for long periods of time, causing too much pressure so I suggest laying off your ab training as you get closer to your due date.
Along with your usual weight training exercises and cardio expenditure, done before you were pregnant, I highly suggest considering swimming! Swimming while pregnant is one of the best workouts you can do. It’s low-impact, low-intensity, and works out your entire body.
The big ball is one of the best things you can work out on/with. By sitting on the ball, you can use light hand weights and do a variety of back, chest, arm, leg, and abdominal workouts. If you have a ball or can get one, I would definitely use the ball for some of your exercises.
Here is a sample circuit, just for you! 🙂
Seated dumbbell alternating bicep curls
Seated light, dumbbell or machine shoulder press
Seated light, dumbbell side laterals
Standing light tricep extensions or kick backs
Seated Leg extensions
Lat Pull downs
Light seated hamstring curls
Repeat 2x