If I had to sum up in 2 words how to be successful on your balanced lifestyle program and how to reach your ultimate goals, I would say Persistence and Consistency!
The bottom line is that at time, you feel like you are working working working and investing all this hard earned money and energy into a plan but you just aren’t getting the results you want as quickly as you want. This is the point at which you make a decision to continue or to give up. Those that give up, find themselves back in the saddle again, playing the same game, while those that decide to not give up and to just push forward with persistence and consistency are well on their way and closer towards their goals. When you feel like you want to give up, just keep going. Keep telling yourself you are going to give it one more go around. If you keep telling yourself, that you will just keep going, and you do, before you know it you will be at your goals. You have already committed so much of yourself, why throw away your commitment, you may as well get something out of it, right!?
None of us are perfect. We all have our mental and physical barriers but what defines us from our neighbor is how we deal with these obstacles. Do you allow them to take you over or do you take control of them by acknowledging them and then taking them on? Life happens, things are going to come up, you are going to miss a workout or have an extra piece of cheese or chocolate but just consistently and persistently move on…
Today, reflect on these 2 words: Persistence and Consistency!