-1 Trout Fillet
-1/2 c. wild rice, cooked
-1 cup sliced brussel sprouts
-red bell pepper
-1 tbsp dijon mustard
-1 tsp fresh lemon juice
-2 tbsp sesame oil
-2 tbsp fresh minced garlic
-1 tsp sesame seeds
-1 tbsp Braggs Liquid Aminos
-Mix 1/2 sesame oil, mustard, lemon juice and 1/2 garlic in small bowl and mix well. Set aside.
-Place sliced Brussel sprouts in mixing bowl and add remaining sesame oil and garlic. Mix well.
-Place Brussel sprouts on one side of lined cookie sheet and trout on other side.
-Add mustard mixture on top of trout until fully covered.
-Place bell pepper on cookie sheet along side trout and Brussel Sprouts.
-Broil on high, watching closely and tossing Brussel sprouts and rotating bell pepper, so all sides brown evenly.
-Once evenly browned and trout is fully cooked, approximately 12-15 minutes, remove from oven.
-Slice bell pepper in half and remove stem and seeds.
-Place on plate with side of wild rice and top rice off with Braggs Liquid Aminos and Brussel sprouts with sesame seeds.