We have discussed this topic before but to touch on it again, there are a few things you should know before consuming sugar alcohols carelessly.
For many of you, may be a similar situation but, I can’t touch them without some intestinal side effects and water retention. Several of my clients and friends have recently experienced similar issues and seen a significant difference in their bodies from their use. Of course, water weight but hey, who wants that…?
Sorbitol, and other sugar alcohols can be found naturally in some fruits and plants and they are used as low-calorie sweeteners in various food products because they aren’t easily digested. This group of sugar replacers (which includes sorbitol, xylitol, mannitol, and isomalt, in addition to maltitol) is touted as being particularly helpful to people with diabetes because only a portion of it is digested and absorbed. And the part that is absorbed through the intestinal tract is absorbed slowly, so there is little rise in blood sugar and little need for insulin.
But, the fact that these sugar alternatives aren’t easily digested helps explain why they have been known to produce gas, bloating, cramping, diarrhea and bloating in some people. This is thanks to the part of the sugar alcohol that isn’t digested or absorbed. It goes through the intestinal tract and starts to ferment and attract water into the intestinal tract. It does depend on the amount consumed and each person’s intestinal tract.
Keep in mind, within moderation, you are going to be okay but too many or too much can cause some serious issues. One sugar free chocolate may be okay or a tbsp of sugar free syrup is okay but more than that can lead to severe stomach cramping and boating! I hear a water Buffalo coming along… 😉
I can speak from personal experience that water retention does occur with me and even possible gastrointestinal issues, from gas formation, no fun!
You’ll find sugar alcohols in most sugar free products so just be aware and more than anything know how they effect you. You may be one of those that is extremely sensitive to them and should use them with caution or know what you are getting into!