4 quarts water
salt and pepper
4 tbsp flax oil
2 cups Flax Pasta or whole wheat Pasta of choice
2 cups sliced tomatoes
1 cup sliced and diced egg plant
2-3 large Portobello mushrooms
4 cloves fresh garlic
1/2 cup chopped basil
1/2 cup chopped parsley
1/2 can articoke hearts, sliced in half

1- clean mushrooms and remove teh stalk and lift the outer skin from the cap. Slice the caps into pieces.

2-In a large pan, boil water. Use a pinch of salt and 2 tbsp flax oil to add to the water. Once boiled, add pasta and cook until desired. Drain and transfer back to the saucepan.

3-add remainder of Flax oil, sliced tomatoes, garlic, basil, parsley, articoke hearts, salt and pepper and let simmer on low for 3-5 minutes. Remove pasta and let sit with pasta covered until vegetables are prepared and read to be added.

3-While pasta is boiling, prepare mushrooms and egg plant either in another saucepan, with flax oil, and cook over the stovetop or place on cookie sheet, spray Flax oil over the top and broil until cooked.

4- Place cooked veggies on top of Pasta and garnish with salt and pepper and touch of either basil or parsley over the top.