We talked about Patience and persistence, now it is time to bring both qualities together with something that is going to allow those two to be optimized. Today we are talking about Consistency. This is one of the main components of reaching your goals. You can have all the persistence, all the patience but if you are not consistent, what good does that do? People are so focused on wanting things now that they aren’t willing to spend the time consistently doing small things over time. It is all about being consistent with your goals and habits day in and day out. Consistency builds that long lasting base that will help you reach your goals.
Tips to allow you to be consistent:
-Pick small goals to reach daily and be sure you do. Make this a game and be the own winner of your game.
-Focus on just doing something active but consistent, rather than aiming for crazy hour long workouts everyday, that may not be realistic where a shorter workout is. You may do an hour long workout 2x/week but a shorter workout consistently, everyday, adds up to be more in the end (not to mention the affects on your metabolism, mood, etc.) If you know that you can commit to 10 minutes, give me 10 but give me 10 everyday.
-Write down your challenges or mini goals and track them! Better yet, use your Personal Log, here on the site, to record your goals! Doing these small goals consistently will build a good foundation – a springboard for future success.
Once you do these steps, consistently setting and achieving goals becomes an upward cycle and that “goal” becomes a habit. If you take 21 days and decide you are going to workout for 15 minutes every morning, after that 21 days, your goals are accomplished but now that goal becomes a habit and it is just a part of your life! As you gain momentum, you will want to continue achieving new goals.
Personal Note:
I commonly get asked how I stay in such great shape… My answer is NOT long hours in the gym, 24/7 “dieting”, restrictions, Hours of cardio, etc. Rather my answer: CONSISTENCY. Over the years of day in and day out efforts has led me to this solid foundation. If you are consistent with your goals, you set up the base you will live with forever. It is the small things over time, NOT the big things over a short amount of time! Consistency is always my answer and that truly sums it up. Consistency is Key!
I love and always use this quote from Robert Collier because it sums it up perfectly.
It couldn’t be closer to the truth. Think consistency, small not big efforts but those small efforts day in and day out, consistently.