Q: As you know, I am back at the gym this week and I am not really following a strict plan, going as I please between machines. Unfortunately, I discovered that this is not my style : I need to have a plan, otherwise, I’m not motivated. I will not be able to see my coach again before the end of month as he is leaving on vacations and was wondering what type of exercise program would be appropriate for an “off-season”.
Since I am eating a bit more than in prep mode, should I aim toward building mass and increasing strength? … this should be done by lifting heavy and not too many reps if I’m not mistaking? I also want to stay lean so, I was thinking about a sort of circuit training that would mix all this together. What do you think?
A: I hear you and it is so normal and common to want and need a plan. I suggest you ease off your cardio and end at about 35-45 minutes 4-6 days a week, not including walks or activity you do for pleasure. As far as training goes, I would focus on the body parts you are trying to improve, lifting them heavy or moderate to heavy but with good form. You should train every body part (s) 1x/week and the body part you are looking to improve 2x/week. I would constantly change things up so go for less reps 6-8 and then shoot for moderate or higher reps of 12-15. I would do some circuit training, definitely. Have fun with it and maybe do isolation exercises 4x/week and a day of fun faster paced higher rep, circuit training…
This is the time for you to have fun, change things up and just go with how you feel! Enjoy every workout because you are choosing to be there! gotta love it!