If you have the desire to do something of be somebody, trust in yourself. The first step to achieving your goals is to look within. This is often the hardest step but the most important! You have to take this step in order to reach your desired destination. A goal, internal or external, starts from within. A goal gets you to your destination but there are milestones along the way. The first one is the conquering the milestone of digging within yourself to discover your inner fire. Start by conquering your inner strength and then use that strength to fuel you towards other milestones you reach along your journey. Stay clear on your path and your direction and just keep moving. Never stop… always keep going, keep moving and keep walking. You WILL get lost, at times, maybe make a wrong turn but you just trust in yourself and you will continue on, just never stop!! Start by turning inward, trusting yourself and from there 1/2 the battle is over, the rest is one foot in front of another!!