How often do you R&R?

This week’s mantra is Reflect & Regroup. We don’t do this enough… We are going, pushing, striving, doing, digging but how often do you SLOW DOWN and R&R?!
So much of my success comes from the GO but even more comes from the SLOW…

Listen to this weeks mantra from the G-Fit App

Yes we are doing it again because it is absolutely KEY to our long term success and personal growth. We don’t give ourselves enough time or space to actually sit in stillness and reflect. It isn’t until we sit in stillness and commit to a little bit of reflection that we’re able to look back see where we need to grow, where we need to pivot,  where we need to change, and where we need to regroup.

As I sit here recording this mantra, it is the graduation of The G-Fit Academy (happy girl). I am so excited and grateful that so many took on this journey and are stepping into a new better and more refined version of themselves. As I sit here, reflect and regroup on my own personal journey to finally say “YES, I am doing this”, the feelings of joy, courage and personal development are strong.

We all often don’t get into action because of our fear of things not being perfect. It is through this reflection, I realize that if I would have held off for that perfect time or for things to be even more polished, it would have never happened.  We have to have hard conversations with ourselves to ask the big question- “what do I have to lose?” It is by stepping into vulnerable, scary spaces that we learn, grow and make our next best decisions to up level and become better versions of ourselves.

This is not just a weekly mantra, this is a daily- better yet double daily. I encourage you to reflect on where you were 12 weeks ago. Where you were the beginning of this year? Where you were yesterday? What about this morning? How did you show up for yourself? How did you take messy action and get out of your own way to do the damn thing?

These are the questions that I ask myself daily, during quiet moments of stillness. If we actually take the time to sit, we come up with the most concrete answers. Maybe we learn what is holding us back or reasons for grabbing those BLT’s or things that are working for us or maybe things that are not longer serving us.

I encourage you to reflect and regroup in the morning and at the end of the day. Set your day with intention and end your day with reflection and whether or not your intentions were met. It is important to do this when it is quiet and there are no distractions so you can actually be with your thoughts.

Take that messy action, walk into space of vulnerability and have the courage to do the damn thing!

This week, commit to a double day reflect & regroup and see how powerful it is to help you learn, grow, evolve and know what next best steps are for you!

Let’s rock this week and make it the best day ever!

♡ Gina

Have you downloaded the G-Fit App Yet? Download the App and get a week free to ignite your fire and take ACTION!

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