When you think of putting on muscle, naturally you think of lifting weights. The last thing you think of is stretching, right?

What if stretching actually improves muscle growth and can help you with your muscle goals, especially as we age? The surprising truth is that stretching isn’t just for flexibility—it’s a powerful tool for muscle growth!

A lot of people struggle to slow down and stretch. The information above may be the catalyst for getting you excited about your stretching routine.  One of the big reasons stretching helps with muscle growth has to do with the fascia that surrounds your muscles.

What is Fascia?

Fascia is the connective tissue that keeps your muscles in place. If your fascia is tight, it can limit your muscle growth. Imagine your muscles as a balloon that is encased in a box (your fascia). As the balloon inflates and expands, it has nowhere to go because it is confined by the expandable walls of the box (your fascia). This is the same as your fascia. If it is tight, it limits your muscle’s ability to grow. No matter how much you workout or how healthy you eat, your muscle growth is limited.

We have a solution for Muscle Growth… Stretching

Stretching can help with this issue. While stretching ALONE will not cause growth, it plays a crucial role in maximizing the hard work you are putting into your workouts.

Our goal is to maximize our results by doing less,

One way we can do this is by committing to a consistent stretching routine combined with our “less is more” workouts. Imagine this, less time in the gym focusing on quality workouts and quality time on your mat stretching, and your results are magnified.


Especially if you are a woman over 40, focusing on muscle growth, you want to commit to a consistent stretching routine


Let’s dive deeper into how stretching improves muscle growth


#1️ ⬆️ Increased blood flow

Stretching allows blood vessels around your muscles to expand. This allows for more blood flow and a higher demand of oxygen for your muscles. The heart has to pump more blood which causes the fascia to expand. This positive stress on the muscles initiates greater muscle growth.

According to the Journal of Applied Physiology, post-workout stretching can boost lean muscle mass in as little as 4 weeks. A study by the University of Tampa found that stretching a muscle for 30 seconds after a finished set could double muscle growth as compared to not stretching.

The improved blood flow and oxygen to the muscles also allows for better circulation and more nutrients to be delivered which aids in faster recovery and reduced soreness.

#2 ⬆️ Increased flexibility and range of motion

Stretching improves flexibility which is vital for maintaining mobility, especially as you age.  If we remain flexible and mobile, we can continue to perform daily activities and therefore remain active and improve muscle growth.

The #1 mistake people make is they stop stretching and are faced with a limited range of motion and the inability to do daily activities they once enjoyed, which kept them healthy and youthful.

#3 ⬆️ Toxin Elimination

As the fascia expands and more oxygen is received in the muscles, waste products (lactic acid and toxins) are flushed out.  This elimination helps to prevent sore muscles, improve overall performance prevent injuries and support muscle growth.

So what do you do? 

🎬Make daily stretching a non-negotiable in your fitness routine

Commit to a stretching routine to ensure you are maximizing your muscle gains and mobility goals.  Here are a few ways you can incorporate stretching into your routine.

⏩Spend 5 minutes pre-workout stretching and increasing blood flow BEFORE you put stress on your muscles.

⏩Take 5-10 minutes post-workout to stretch it out. Consider this your cooldown where you are now using that increased blood flow to deliver nutrients to your muscles for proper recovery and elimination of toxins.

⏩Take 30 seconds after each round (for circuit training) or set (for isolated workouts) to stretch before moving on to the next set or round.


Whatever you decide is YOUR perfect way to incorporate stretching, make it as high of a priority in your routine. This is the secret to your muscle goals, especially as you age and muscle growth becomes a high priority.

Maybe it isn’t your workouts that are slacking, maybe it is your lack of stretching that is the issue?! 🤔

🚶🏻‍♀️ Your Next Step…

In the G-Fit lifestyle, we understand the importance of stretching and recovery for muscle growth. We have ONE day dedicated to stretching and yoga plus an entire library of stretching and yoga flows for you to tap into, as you wish. Simply press play and allow me to guide you through the routine.

Throughout the ENTIRE Summer Squat Challenge, there will be a NEW stretching routine for you to incorporate into your routine. This will help with your muscle-building booty goals (and gains). Be sure to join the challenge to access weekly stretching routines.


1. Join us inside the G-Fit App…I want to invite you to try 7-days FREE inside the G-Fit app where muscle gains are our priority and the plan to achieve your goals are at your fingertips.

💪 The G-Fit App is expanding its stretching library with routines that will serve your level and time constraints. Be sure to download the app for all your muscle-building and longevity fitness needs.

2. Join us every Summer for our Squat Challenge… This is the best challenge to stay in motion all summer long. With weekly stretching routines added, you will have the exact routine to incorporate into your plan to allow for improved muscle gains as we squat our way through summer.