Think honestly about your goal and what you are aiming to achieve? Whether it be a weight loss goal, goal to tone and tighten, a craft you are trying to master, or maybe a new job you are pursuing, how munch effort are you investing? A few hours a day, a week, a month or maybe just whenever you have time, which is never??? No matter what it is you are aiming for, if you want to reach your goals and in a timely manner, you must put in consistent efforts. 1 hour of effort, once a day, every week is far less beneficial than 20 minutes of effort, on a daily basis. The more consistent you can be with your efforts, the more your efforts will become a habit, a way of life and an everyday part of your lifestyle. It is then that you will reach your goals and maintain them… why? Because you have put in consistent effort and created habits!
You want to know that you have given everything you can. At the end of the day, there is no better feeling than knowing that you did it! You made the time, you gave your effort and committed yourself. Think about a time when you wholeheartedly committed yourself and did everything in your power to achieve something. How did that make you feel? It was an indescribable feeling that leaves you feeling so powerful, as if you can do anything! Whatever your goals are, give 100% full efforts, daily. Even if it is a short amount of time, invest in committing yourself to giving your goal, 100% of You, even if it is just a short amount of time. A short amount of time will pay off much more than large random blocks of effort! Everyday, commit yourself, do what you said you would.