“If you spend too much time focusing on your weaknesses, that is all you will see.”~Gina Aliotti
When you look at yourself, what do you see? Do you see beautiful eyes and a bright smile or do you see “fat on your stomach” or “wrinkles next to your eyes”? We all have things about us that we believe to be flaws. Absolutely nobody is perfect nor flawless! It is so common to immediately look at things that you believe are wrong with you or your weaknesses but what good is that doing you? Not just physically but if you look at your life and all you see are the things that are not going well, how is that benefiting you?! We need to be conscious and look at ourselves and see the strengths not the weaknesses! If we constantly are focusing on flaws, flaws are what you will see. When all you see are those things that you consider to be weaknesses, over time, those powerful strong feelings will affect your attitude and opinion of yourself and in turn carry over into other areas of your life. Of course, it is important to focus on Kaizen, constant improvement, always trying to better yourself and be your best but just remember you are as great as you see yourself! We all have such positive attributes and need to focus on those! The first step is accepting that you nor anyone else in this world is perfect. We all have things we need to work on or areas we want to improve. Today accept you for you, embrace flaws and imperfections as a part of you and focus on your strengths! As we say, “Own It.”