The holiday season is in full swing! It’s a wonderful time of year where we gather with friends and family as we celebrate the holidays. With shopping, travel and social events chipping away at all of your “free time,” you may find it harder to fit your workouts in and that’s okay.

Thats not to say that you should throw in the sweat towel completely. This is the time to work smarter not harder! January 1st will be here before you know it. Get a head-start on your fitness goals now, by refusing to quit, even during the holiday rush.

Check out this No Gym Necessary circuit that wont take up a ton of your time, doesn’t need a bunch of equipment and sure doesn’t require you going to the gym. This will allow you to fit in your workouts with ease. Make your gift to yourself a renewed commitment to good health. You deserve it!

Dig deep and let’s have some fun!

Do 10-15 reps of each exercise, moving from one exercise to the next and repeating the circuit 2-3x

Kettlebell Swings (15 reps)

 Start with your feet shoulder-width apart holding a kettlebell in between your legs. Bend your knees and squat down, lowering the kettlebell towards the ground. keeping your chest up and shoulders back. As you stand back up, forcefully drive your hips forward to propel the kettlebell into the air until the kettlebell is no higher than your shoulders. Repeat the movement, allowing the kettlebell to swing down and back through your legs then back up to the swing the kettlebell in front of you.

Band Side to Side Low Lunges (15 reps)

Place a band around your shins. Squat low and step from side to side, staying low to the ground, repeating until you have completed 15 reps on each side.

Band Hip Thrusts (15 reps) 

Start on the ground with your knees bent band just about your knees and feet slightly wider than shoulders width distance apart. Thrust your hips up towards the sky and squeeze your glutes at the top of the rep for a second before lowering down and repeating exercise 15x.

Band Alternating Leg Extensions (10 reps) 

Place an exercise band just below or above your knees and in the top of a push up position. Extend one leg up towards the sky, squeeze your glutes then lower back down and raise the opposite foot. Be sure to keep your heel flexed and squeeze at the top of the rep. Alternate until you have completed 10 reps on each side.

Wide Stance Push Ups (10 push ups)

Start in the top of a push up with a wide stance (with or without a band). Lower down into a push up and repeat until you have completed 10 push ups.

Narrow Stance Squats (15 reps)

Start standing with your feet together to touch. Squat down and lower your glutes just at or slightly beneath your knees. Press yourself back up with the weight in your heels. Keep your core engaged and belly in and arms out in front of you to help with balance. Repeat until you have completed 15 squats.

Repeat circuit 2-3x depending on your level and amount of time you have available. Dig Deep!

My Biggest Challenge of the year is coming January 7th 2019! Be on the lookout for Challenge Details coming soon. Are you with me?