With all of the shopping, planning dinner and traveling, the holidays can be very stressful.  However, maintaining your health during this time is important to our overall goals!  Without our health, we have nothing! Stress is can cause sickness and therefore lead you to feeling down! Here are a few of my tips to staying healthy during the holidays!

1. Get plenty of rest – The first and most important is to get enough sleep.  During this time of year, it is easy to skip out on sleep.  Getting enough sleep is crucial to staying healthy.

2. Don’t forget to exercise – Try to exercise at least 20-30 minutes each day, even though you may be tired or worn out.  If you don’t feel like you have the time, follow my circuit workouts you can do without going to the gym.  Check out the Video section for these workouts added weekly!  Going for a walk with the loved ones, first thing in the a.m. or after dinner, is a great way to reduce stress from all the chaos and it will help you all sleep better at night!!

3. Curb your hunger – Don’t go to big holiday meals on an empty stomach.  Eat a light healthy snack before going to family dinners or holiday events.  It sounds funny to eat before you eat but if you go to the table very hungry, you are more likely to eat more quickly and end up eating too much.  Also you know how it is, waiting for everyone to arrive and for the food to be finished cooking, you could be waiting hours before you eat!  Be prepared and eat something before you head out the door!

4. Cut down on sugars – We often tend to indulge ourselves by eating way too many sweets during the holidays.  We either use it as an excuse to eat those delicious treats or we unconsciously eat as you walk by a break room or take a bite of someone’s homemade holiday treats! Remember that eating healthy foods will give you energy and help keep you healthy at the same time.  Remember to make your healthy holiday treats the healthy way by simple modifying your recipe!! Check the recipe section for all those holiday treats made the healthy way!

5. Dress in layers – Some days it may seem really cold, but then it warms up.  Dressing in layers will help you stay warm and keep you from catching a cold which weakens your immune system.  Especially while going to the gym, even though you will be warm in no time, dress in layers so your body can warm up and cool down properly!