Are you trying to change a habit or start a new habit?
The guaranteed way to create habits that stick is through consistency. This is one of the key factors within the G-Fit Methods. Creating lasting change, which we need in order to continue to work on building healthy habits that are repeated day in and day out.
Creating habits doesn’t have to be as hard as you think. While some people are able to use the power of discipline to create habits, most need a little help when it comes to creating new habits.
I have a technique that can save you and be the winning solution to helping you create and stick to new and serving positive habits.
📈The SIMPLE and EFFECTIVE technique is called habit stacking .
“Stacking” is a new behavior onto a current behavior to help you remember to do it and to start creating a subconscious behavior.
→When I do (enter behavior) I do (enter behavior).
⤿For example, When I brew my cup of coffee I do 10 squats…
Habit stacking utilizes the strong synaptic connections we already have. “Habit stacking is a really effective strategy for building new habits because it builds off of the existing neural networks in our brains,” explains licensed psychologist Melissa Ming Foynes, PhD.
Habit Stacking allows you to use a current habit as an anchor to cue another habit. In simple terms, when you do this (anchor habit aka brushing your teeth) it cues your brain to do that (another habit aka think a positive affirmation).
An Anchor Provides a Built-in Reminder
Beyond the neural network, habit stacking serves as the most simplest ways to remind you to do the thing you are trying to develop. If you do not have an anchor, it is easy to forget but if you have an anchor, that serves as a conscious reminder to do the next thing…
This serves as a built in reminder that helps you maintain consistency. Overtime you start to associate the two habits as ONE and when you don’t stack your habits, you feel off or as if something is missing.
For example, if you decide while you brew your morning coffee, you are going to do 10 squats, this becomes just what you do. If you miss your squats, it’s as if your coffee just doesn’t taste the same. Over time, you’ll begin to associate your coffee with 10 squats.
Habit Stacking can be KEY to helping you create new habits that you finally stick to. Not only are they effective but they are a fun way to create subconscious loop patterns that ensure success!
🪄How to Start Habit Stacking
Is it really as simple as pairing one habit with another? Here are some tips to make these changes so you can build consistency one habit at a time.
A concept and theory that will change your consistency game and help you to finally stick to a habit you are trying to create.
Habit Stacking has proven evidence in helping you commit to creating positive habits in your life.

In the G-Fit App, we commit to fun challenges that can be the catalyst for lasting habits.
📌The guaranteed way to create habits that stick, simplify your fitness game with all your fitness tools in ONE place.