It is just crazy how the weeks are Flying by! Happy Wednesday and good morning everyone!! Up with the birds, heading out the door to begin the day. I had a cancellation this a.m. so it frees up my training time and allows for more flexibility, yes flexibility!! wahooo… Speaking of flexible, I had a different concoction for my first meal. Check out my Green tea Vanilla protein shake recipe I posted. I had that along with my usual bowl of oatmeal. It is delicious! As I mentioned in my video, I LOVE Green tea. Not only for it’s health benefits but delicious flavor! I actually love Matcha green tea ice cream, yes, I sure do!!
Matcha green Tea is amazing …
* Rich in Antioxidants and Chlorophyll
* Contains Catechins Only Found in Green Tea
* Naturally Mood Enhancing
* Zero on the Glycemic Index – will not raise insulin levels
* Sugar-free, High in Fiber
Who needs a Starbucks Green Tea Loaded calorie, fat and carb Frappe when you can make this healthy version!!!
It can be hard to find and quite expensive compared to other green teas because it is the rule of supply and demand! Matcha green tea is a very specialized tea out of Japan. production is limited. The harvesting process is much more intensive and takes a lot longer so the production is limited. It is so popular in Japan that that lead to less available for exporting out of Japan.

Definitely worth the extra $$. Give it a try. Be sure it is the pure powder form and not the Matcha green tea in bags, like other Tea bags.
Anyways with a delicious meal in my system, I am off to put on my fit and head out the door. Hope everyone slept well and is ready to go!
Until later… Happy Wednesday!