Think big for 2010. Start thinking about your goals but be sure they are Realistic and Specific!! Make sure it is SMART (see below)
S = Specific– Goals need to be straightforward, definitive and you need to know what you want so you can focus on how we are going to accomplish our goal! Instead of, I want to get in the best shape of my life, be specific and define what that is!
M = Measurable-If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it. How do you know if you have accomplished your goal if there is nothing to measure it against? Ex: I want to do 20 minutes of carido 3x/week vs. I want to do more cardio. When you measure your progress, you stay on track, reach your target dates, and experience the the feeling of success and achievement that that keeps you going to achieve your ultimate goal!
A = Attainable-Goals you set which are too far out of your reach, you probably won’t commit to doing. Although you may start with the best of intentions, if it is not attainable, you will not fully commit, complete and accomplish!
R = Realistic–Realistic, in this case, means “do-able” NOT “easy”. Make a plan or a way of getting there which makes the goal realistic. A goal of never again eating chocolate again may not be realistic for someone who really enjoys a piece of chocolate here and there.
T = Timely- Set a time frame for the goal: for next week, in three months, by fifth grade. Putting an end point on your goal gives you a clear target to work towards.
Decide what you want to achieve and set up a plan to do it.
Goal setting should not be taken lightly because your journey to success depends completely on the goal setting process. Your personal goals and achievements should be based on what you want out of your life, your interest, your capabilities, and the time and money you are willing to invest into achieving your goals.
The very first step of goal setting is to, first, determine what you want at the end of the journey. What is it that you really want to achieve? Think about all sides of you from artistic, attitude (personality), career, education, family, financial (most popular), physical, pleasure, health…etc.
Think about YOUR GOALS and no one else except for yourself. What do you feel deep inside your heart? What are your dreams? Your secrets…what are they? Forget about what everyone else wants and focus on YOU. Other people should not influence your decision on what your goals are, even in the smallest way.
You should start with one goal and stay focused on this goal at least for 30 days. If after 30 days you feel you’re doing well and getting closer to the desired outcome you can start with the second goal.
Don’t set a lot of goals at the same time. You won’t achieve any. The key to goal setting is staying focused. And it is impossible to focus at many goals at the same time. (Hence Mini Goals)
Is your desire strong enough?
Take a moment to think about the goal you’ve set for yourself.
How committed are you to achieving this goal?
Under what conditions would you give up?
What if you wanted them so badly that you knew that you would absolutely, positively never ever give up?
Make sure you have it in you!
Filling Your mind with positive thoughts and beliefs to empower you and make you successful!
Using positive thinking to improve your life! Take advantage of positive thinking. Positive thinking can be done using thoughts, eliminating negative ones (practice resistance), using words and phrases or quotes; or use positive affirmations and visualization to help improve their lives. It all depends on what works best for YOU. Everyone is different.
An open and positive mind is not only open to ideas on how to improve his or her life, but you start to use your mind to control decisions so you can achieve better results in life.
If you don’t believe you can reach a goal you won’t!
If there is any doubt in your mind, you don’t give it your all.
If you believe that you can be successful, that you’ll enjoy being successful, then you will be successful.
Set a realistic date when you plan to accomplish your goal. Don’t commit to “as soon as possible”! If you don’t have a specific deadline for your goal, you will start to put it off.
Remember that the deadline must be realistic. We all tend to underestimate time it will take us to accomplish tasks. Keep in mind that unplanned obstacles may occur and slow you down.
Most people who have trouble keeping a deadline do so because they haven’t planned ahead very well. Often times, the calendar is full and they don’t realize it because they haven’t recorded everything on their calendar, or because they simply don’t know how to plan ahead.
Choose a date that is at the same time motivating and realistic. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself.
When you put pen to paper you turn your thoughts into something tangible. You can actually see it, touch it, and even smell it if you want to. Your goal is no longer just a thought! It becomes something, what motivates us and creates a vision.
There is something about writing one’s goals down which makes achieving well-written goals an almost certainty.
-Write your goal in the positive.
-Write your goals out in complete detail.
-Write in present tense.
-Re-write your goals.
You may need to adjust it or fine tune it, as time goes on but WRITE IT DOWN!
Writing your goals down is the first step to make the goals more real.
We’ll start by breaking up your big goal into smaller mini-goals. Most people fail to achieve their goal simply because they don’t break them down into smaller steps. All they can see is this big overwhelming goal they’ve set for themselves and they don’t know where to start working on it!
-Mini-goals let you track your progress more efficiently
-Mini-goals are not so overwhelming
-Mini-goals are easier to achieve
-Mini-goals let you feel the progress, success and accomplishments as you go!
Every goal can be broken into mini goals. Mini goals should never be too difficult or too long. You don’t want to be overwhelmed by them.
Break down every mini-goal into small easy-to-accomplish tasks to achieve those mini goals!
Again, All of these tasks must have a deadline.
By focusing your mind on the easy-to-accomplish tasks, and completing those tasks, you’ll be making great progress towards your mini-goals and in turn your end goal, without feeling overwhelmed.
Make sure to write down ALL tasks, even those that take only minutes to complete.
Then, when they’re accomplished, check them off.
As more and more tasks are successfully accomplished, and checked off, you’ll find yourself becoming more encouraged, and more confident about your abilities and what you are capable of!!
Follow these key pointers and You are on your way to success!!