Workout of the Day:
A.M.- SWIM-50 laps (35 minutes)
P.M. 3 mile walk with dog
3 sets of 20
bench triceo dips
seated single dumbbell press
one arm tricep extensions
Squat with Side Lateral Raise
Meal #1: 1/4 cup oatmeal, 1/2 cup wheat bran with 1/2 banana and 6 egg whites

Meal #2: Quest Bar with Grapefruit
Meal #3: Broccoli Slaw with 6 egg whites, brown rice and topped with Salsa

Meal #4: 4 tbsp PB2 with 2 rice cakes & protein shake

Meal #5: Veggie Stirfry with coconut oil and Shrimp topped with sesame seeds