Do you ever workout or do cardio and feel completely in a zone? What about while practicing yoga where you are completely in the moment and nothing else is crossing your mind. All the distractions of life seem to melt away. The goal is to get in “the zone’ but unfortunately, that feeling may not happen as often as you’d like.
This “Zone” is called “flow”, which means you are in the middle of doing something, and you have hit just the right combination of challenge and skill. Flow can refer to any activity or task when you are completely engaged and absorbed. You have a sense of accomplishment and you feel happy.
In order to experience this “flow” and to get yourself in that zone, it is important to have clear goals and know what it is you want to accomplish. Have a clear sense of what it is you need to to do reach those measurable goals. Being absorbed in the moment and not what happened yesterday or what is going to happen tomorrow will allow you to stay connected to the present. That Zone happens and the connection with skill and challenge come together. Doing what you love to do allows you to get into that groove quicker. Once you have mastered a skill or what you have sought out to accomplish, it is important to seek another challenge in order to keep you stimulated and in that “zone” state.
Today, allow yourself to be in the moment when you are going after a certain task. When you find your “zone” nothing can interrupt your activity or take your mind away from your focus. That Zone doesn’t come every day but when you are experiencing it, allow your self to be in that moment and go with it.
If you haven’t experienced that “zone” mentality in a while, maybe it is time to ask yourself if you are challenging yourself enough. That moment comes when skill and challenge meet so be sure “challenge” is part of your equation. Maybe you have mastered something and are ready for another challenge!?