Often as we are working through the days of our lives we feel uninspired. We push ourselves to get through the day, through the week and then maybe then just turn off for the weekend only to return Monday to do it again, repeatedly. It is Tuesday and yet another day and it is common to have those days that just feel likE, yet another day.
What we fail to realize is that what we are experiencing is shaped by what we are focusing on. What are you going to focus on today? You have the choice!! We can easily allow ourselves to live trapped in our minds experiencing the negative all too much. Changing how you feel is a matter of changing what you are thinking about. If you are feeling uninspired you are focusing on exactly that, things that do not inspire you. You might then think, where do you find inspiration? The reality is, that inspiration is all around us at all times.
The question I have for you is this, do you make inspiration part of your routine? When you wake up in the morning, what are you thinking about? Do you think about what you “have” to do that day? When you watch, listen or read the news first thing, are you inspired? As you go to work, are you focused on the traffic and that you wish there was a way out of your day. When you grab your coffee are you thinking you wish you had more time to relax? When you are on your way to the gym are you dreading those minutes on the cardio machines or wishing you were still in bed? When you talk with other people are they telling you what is frustrating them? For the most part, our input and our thoughts throughout our work week tend to be towards the negative. The result is we are focused on what is uninspiring and we are therefore not inspired.
Change your focus and change your experience. In doing so not only will you change your experience, you will change your energy level. Instead of needing that energy drink or another cup of coffee you will not be worn down by the day and will have your own energy. It is up to you to change that channel to be inspired.
So where is this inspiration that is all around us and how do you find it? You start by not waking up with the thoughts of how do I get through the day, but by appreciating the opportunity to make your life better. That is right, everyday you have an opportunity to live, enjoy and make your life better. Get up and start appreciating your life and what you have and start moving in a direction of making your life better. As many negative inputs as there are, there are equal positive sources. There are people all around you who are inspiring, if it is as simple as a positive attitude.
All you have to do to be inspired is to decide that you are going to look for and focus on inspiration and that you will find it all around you. It is there, it is up to you to focus on it. If you change your focus you will all of a sudden experience a new world. You have the power to make your day run how you want. Find that inspiration and dig deep!