February is upon us, if you can believe it or not. The year is in full gear! How has the start of your year been? Has off to a great start or are you still recovering from the holiday hustle and bustle. If you have attempted to jump on board with your goals but just can’t seem to get it together, no fear, a new month is here and we will try and try again. As long as you are still here and on board, that is what matters. Stay persistent because we are making February a No Excuse Month. Don’t beat yourself up over what this month, soon to be last month, may not have brought you and just stick with it. You are not a failure and you are not alone. For so many the start of the new year is tough. Join us in creating a mini goal for February and hold yourself accountable to it. Start small but do start!!
Thank you all who joined in the G-Chat where we each mapped out our Mini Goals for February and committed to one another to stick to them! We have all put our hands in and thrown them up, committing to a NO Excuse February. Join In and post your mini goal for all to see and for all to help you stick with! 🙂