It’s that time of year again. Time to clear our lives of the stuff that is NOT serving us. That includes everything from material things to energy. This post is going to focus more on energy since I feel people don’t put enough emphasis on how much this affects all areas of our lives.

Energy is everything! I want to scream this so loud that it wakes the world from the middle of a deep sleep. Have you been feeling a little “off” lately or weighed down but you can’t seem to put your finger on it? Maybe it is less about what you are doing, or not doing, and more about the energy that surrounds you.

No matter what you do, if you are not surrounded by the right vibes, it can completely weigh you down and make you feel “off”.

Energy has so much power and control over our current situation, state of mind, how we hold ourselves and even the vibes we give off to others.

When we are surrounded by negative energy, or allow our own toxic thoughts to pollute our minds, we are causing so much internal turmoil than we even realize. This can cause anxiety, stress, frustration, and even physical issues such as gas, bloating, puffiness and even weight loss or weight gain. Energy has such a HUGE effect on our overall well being and how we show up in the world.

How we are feeling will transmit into the universe. If we are thinking negative thoughts or surrounded by toxic energy, we will then be transmitting that same toxic energy into the world.

Isn’t our role to make the world a better place?

On the flip side, when we are full of the most vibrant self-love and surrounded by nothing but positive vibes, everything around us benefits.

I am a firm believer in energy and have personally witnessed how much negative vibes affect me and all that I do. In order to perform optimally and serve myself and others, it is a non-negotiable that I surround myself with energy that just feels right.

We first must understand how much there is a direct connection between energy and our vibe. It all starts with us taking taking responsibility for our own energy and getting in touch with the energy that surrounds us.

How do we step up our energy game and elevate our energetic vibration?

First is to recognize that we are in full control of our thoughts, our situation and therefore the energy we are putting off into the world. We are in control to shift our energetic vibration, at any time, and it all starts by recognizing when we feel off or on top or the world.  The energy we put off is directly related to the energy we get back and vice versa, the energy we surround ourselves with is the energy that we will absorb. Remember the law of attraction? Yes, energy is the same idea!

You can change your energy at any time. The key is  understanding what is causing this shift in your vibration and taking action to change that energetic frequency.

This may mean, removing yourself from a situation, letting friendships go, saying no, walking away or simply changing directions. Where you think you need to go is not always the right direction, if it just doesn’t feel right.

Energy is everything. It just has to feel right. when it does, everything else flows.

Pay attention to how you feel when you are around people or in certain situations! You know when you are vibrating high or when your light is being dimmed.  Trust your intuition and how you are being affected by energy. We get so caught up in the day-to-day of life that often we do not take the time to recognize an internal shift that is happening – not to us- but for us.

We often try to deflect our feelings out of fear or status quo but feeling are real! If we don’t pay attention to the energy that surrounds us, we could be hurting ourselves in more ways than we realize.


So how do we shift our energy?


Step 1: Awareness.

If there are areas of your life where you always feel out of alignment, or simply not just yourself then it’s time to check in and recognize those feelings. Honor yourself enough to access your situation and surroundings to determine what may be causing you to feel this way.

Be the honest, non-judgmental witness of energy and how it is impacting you. If it is a person, maybe you need to remove that person from your circle. If it is a situation, you might need to get yourself out of that situation. Sometimes the best way to elevate your vibe is to free yourself of whatever it is dimming your light. Awareness is the first step!

Step 2: Let it go

Once you recognize and identify exactly what is causing this shift, letting go is the next step. It can be the hardest thing you do but it can be the best thing for you! Letting go whatever is causing you to feel “off” will free you of the toxic energy that may be holding you back. As long as you let go with grace and non-judgement, you are doing yourself a service. It’s amazing how quickly you will start to feel a shift in your own energy simply by becoming aware and letting go.

Step 3: Breathe Deeply

When you are practicing awareness but still cannot pinpoint what it is that is causing a disruption to your internal peace, it’s hard to let go. How do you let go if you aren’t sure what to let go of? Until you figure out the catalyst, one thing that will surely help shift your vibe is deep breathing. The power of the breath can do wonders to release any negative tension and bring us back to being aligned with reality.

The effects are unreal!

Once you are able to recognize the impact energy has on our day-to-day lives, everything shifts. .Suddenly we become more vibrant, more attractive, more productive and start to gain back our inner peace that brings us pure joy!

Energy is everything! If you feel you are out of alignment and something just isn’t sitting right, deep within your soul, give yourself permission to let go and protect your vibe!

xo Gina

I feel so blessed to be able to share energy with all of those reflect that same energy my way. Having a tribe of real, authentic, loving, self-less and positive people to share is EVERYTHING.

Do you feel lost in your journey?

Do you feel like there something weighing you down but you can’t put your finger on it?

Are you feeling a bit off?

The tribe vibes are strong in my VIP. I would love for you to join us and see what it’s all about.

No words to explain the feeling you get and the things you are capable of when you are surrounded by good vibes!   Sign up HERE.