Have you tried every “trick” in the book and still are sitting exactly where you were when you started your weight loss journey? You are not alone! You have gone through all your “diet” books, followed their “rules”, cleared out your refrigerator, started working out, drinking less, eating less, and still– no results!! That can be so frustrating! Let’s go ahead and shut down the diet “tricks” that flat out just don’t work! If you can ditch these “tricks”, you will be able to move foreword and actually start to see results!
There are too many “tricks” out there. You read one thing and then you read something that tells you the complete opposite, so what the heck do you do and who should you listen to! Let’s put a stop to these “tricks” that just don’t work and move on with a “trick-less plan” that actually will result in results!
The “tricks” that Don’t Work:
You Go gluten-free “just because”!
This gluten intolerance/sensitivity is much of a fad! It is like the “low fat” diets were in the 90’s. There are few that do have an allergy but for the most part, we are all just fine eating gluten! If you jump on this band wagon and do not have celiac disease or a gluten intolerance, you may be missing out on tons of nutrients found in whole grains, such as folate and fiber. Not to mention missing out on vital nutrients, gluten free does not necessarily mean low calorie so you may actually be intaking far more calories than you should be.
Truth: Going Gluten Free may be causing your weight gain or lack of weight loss! Ditch the Gluten Free Fad and go for wholesome fresh foods.
You omit Sweets forever!
You’re stuffing your face with lean protein and veggies while your best friend is staying skinny on her chocolate cake diet. There is a serious problem here!! The problem is when you do get your hands on the sweets, you don’t know moderation!
Truth: “Omitting” certain foods only causes you to want them even more and can lead you to binge when you do indulge. Don’t tell yourself you “can’t” have something. Allow yourself an ounce of chocolate or an oatmeal cookie, every now and then, and see how few you actually want!
You cut carbs to increase weight loss!
I am sure you have either attempted a no carb or super low carb diet but the truth is that didn’t last! It isn’t very realistic nor maintainable! Maybe for a week or two but not for the long term! Restricting yourself of the carbs can cause that “deprivation” mindset and lead you to overdo it when you do start to eat them again!
Truth: Low Carb is not the way to long term results.  Low store bought, processed foods is!  Stick to healthy grains, fruits, veggies and slower digesting complex carbs rather than NO carbs at all!
You take on the high fiber trend!
You have read a lot about a high fiber intake leading to weigh loss but somehow you only feel worse after you eat fiber! What is up with that?A!
Truth: Yes, fiber is important and can help with weight loss but you must increases water with an increase in fiber. High fiber with lack of water will not necessarily lead to weight gain but the bloat can make you feel uncomfortable and as if you have gained a ton of weight. Be sure to increase fiber slowly and as you do increase your fluids to allow proper digestion!
You hardly eat all day long!
You may think less food is will lead to weight gain but in reality this low calorie craze can lead to weight gain! Your body is smarter than you think and will start to store calories, i.e fat!
Truth: Less food = possible weight gain not less! Aim to eat small meals every 2-3 hours, centered around a protein source. If it is earlier in the day, include complex carbs and later in the day, focus on protein and healthy fats to make up a mini meal.
You “carb up” before and after workouts and drink electrolyte replenishing drinks during your workout!
Unless you’re training for a marathon, you don’t need a large carb meal pre or post workout. I love the people that moderately workout and then have a 600-calorie smoothie post workout.  This pre or post workout “carb up meal” can be stopping your progress. Stick with a mini meal of complex carbs and protein pre and post workout and avoid any sugary drinks during your workout.
Truth: You have the great efforts to fuel your body pre, during and post workout but your fuel could be packing on the extra calories rather than helping you with your weight loss efforts! Have a mini meal pre and post workout and drink plenty of water during your workout. For further ideas on pre and post workout nutrition click HERE.
Forget the “tricks” and focus on good quality, natural food sources eaten in moderation. If you are consistent with your efforts, you WILL reach your goals, no tricks involved at all!
Put the bag of tricks away and start actually obtaining the results you want!