Creating a healthy body image by creating a Lifestyle
By Aggie Garcia

As women, body image is of the utmost importance to us. No matter what age, looking physically fit and attractive is high on our priority list. We want to look and feel beautiful in our clothes and often are willing to do whatever it takes to get there. From diet pills to fad diets, women have tried it all. Looking for a quick and easy way to lose unwanted weight or squeeze into a smaller pant size, woman are always on the search for the newest and latest magic solution. It often seems daunting and completely unobtainable to reach personal fitness goals by eating a certain way and exercising regularly. People would rather bypass the efforts through an easier solution that comes in the shape of a pill or with big words promising success in “days”. It is really not as easy as taking a pill or following the latest diet fad! Reaching fitness goals, living a healthy lifestyle and obtaining that beautiful body doesn’t have to be so daunting or complicated. It is about leaning the tools and creating the habits that will lead to long-term success and happiness. It may take a little more time and require slightly more effort but the difference is, the results are yours to keep forever! By searching for a quick fix, you are also asking for temporary success. Obtaining fitness and health goals is not about finding the latest and greatest but rather is about living a healthy lifestyle that is realistic for you. Success stems from understanding that society does not decide what a “perfect” body image is and there is no quick fix. Success lies in creating a healthy body image based on living a healthy lifestyle and creating habits that will last forever.
Gina Aliotti and I work with woman of all walks of life, including some of the most physically fit women that compete in bikini and figure competitions. Gina Aliotti is a nutrition and lifestyle coach who specializes in teaching women how to reach their goals by living a healthy lifestyle. Through simple and realistic yet effective tools, Gina is able to show women that it doesn’t have to be as complex and daunting as one may think. It is not necessarily about spending countless hours in the gym doing cardio and crunches and eating solely broccoli and dry chicken, rather it is about creating lifelong habits, that are realistic and obtainable. The habits that are formed and tools that are learned are what lead to long term success and longevity. By personally working with Gina and following her Lifestyle Balance Plan, she has shown me that the answer to reaching my goals is really quite simple. It is all about making daily healthy choices and digging deep within myself to keep moving forward, no matter what life presents. We have become so used to grabbing convent processed foods, laden with a variety of chemicals, or giving up when we feel like we have failed. Through Gina Aliotti’s Lifestyle Balance Plan, I have learned food beyond the box and the tools to keep moving forward when throwing in the towel seemed so much easier. It is her simple tools that have helped me not only reach my goals but create embrace fitness as a lifestyle.
I have learned to be creative and enjoy the wonderful taste of vegetables, without the need for salt and fattening sauces. I have learned to love the art of cooking and coming up with different ways to prepare foods in a nutritious and tasty way. Salt free herbs have become my best friend. I look forward to my grilled chicken and fish. My motto is “think before I eat”. Even dining out has become easy. Gina’s Lifestyle Balance Plan has taught me what to ask for and what to look for on a menu. I now know to ask the waiter to eliminate heavy sauces and replace rice or potatoes for the extra serving of vegetables. Instead of fried potatoes, I now ask for baked yam fries. When you go out for breakfast, ask for an egg white omelet with vegetables over a regular omelet loaded with cheese. Eating out and following a nutritional plan can seem extremely intimidating but not when you learn the proper ways to order and things to look for. It is amazing how eating healthy actually allows you to eat more food, yet intake less calories and fat!
You can’t forget about exercise. Find what form of exercise works for you. I have chosen pilates on the reformer with some cardio. You don’t have to be in a gym to exercise. You can find what works for you based on your interest and fitness levels. From classes to parks, there is always a way to get in your activities. Exercise is so important, no matter what age or physical barriers. It keeps your physically body strong and flexible and will help you avoid injuries. It also helps with stress and keeps you mentally strong.
Body image is not just a physical component but rather about taking care and respecting your body for the woman you are. It is about embracing yourself for who you are and all that you are capable of achieving. The first step to reaching your goals is accepting who you are, where you are coming from and where you want to go. It may take time to break old eating habits or formulate a workout program but the rewards are so worth it. Starting by establishing mini goals and creating daily habits that will soon become your only way of life. So forget about all the fad diets that empty out your wallets time and time again. Invest in a healthier fit you by creating habits that will last a lifetime. There are no secrets or quick fixes to having the body and life you are dreaming of. It is about making simple lifestyle changes that are realistic for you and being consistent with your efforts.

Namaste to all you beautiful women.