With the New Year approaching quickly, I thought it was appropriate to discuss change. Life is all about natural changes. It is imperative that we don’t resist them because they are part of life, part of nature. Think about the seasons that change, ocean tides that are constantly changing, plants and and animals change, grow and evolve, everything changes. It is hard to accept change sometimes and often we deny change but it is natural and a part of our journey. If you see change in a different way, it will be easier to embrace.
With changes come choices, the choice to go in the direction we have been going or to go against the grain and try something new. No doubt, change is scary and can be intimidating but if we don’t make changes we will stay stagnant. If we try our hardest to avoid change, we will never change. Isn’t the point of life to grow and evolve into better versions of ourselves? If we do not change our ways, actions, thoughts, energy, direction, we will not grow, evolve and become better versions of ourselves. It is easy and comfortable to hang on to where we are so out of fear, we fight with the biggest boxing gloves we have. We fight with all our might to not face change. The funny thing is, no matter how hard we fight, change is inevitable and happens. No matter how much you want to hold on to 2011, we are soon going to move into 2012. No matter how much you don’t like aging and getting older, sorry but it is inevitable, you are going to change with age–Embrace it!
Change is always going to take some adjusting and can be a little bit of a challenge but if you are confident in change, change can be the best thing that has ever happened to you! One thing we know for sure is that change is a natural part of life and is common among all of us.
Just like a river that continues to flow, we have to go with the flow and trust in the process. Regardless of where change may take us, we have to trust in the flow, kick up your feet and allow change to take you to your new destination. If you constantly try to avoid the flow, you are going to exhaust yourself and eventually burn out. It is much more enjoyable to embrace change and fear less about where or why and focus more on trusting the new chapter laid out for you.
Just as every situation has two different ways to look at it, you can look at change as something that is going to be a negative thing or positive thing. How you see change is up to you. Focus on the positive things that come with changing your ways, your environment, your approach or whatever change you are facing. You will learn, you will grow, you will become a better version of you, that is without a doubt! Trust in that and as the new year approaches, embrace the turning of the clock and all that the new year will bring. Definitely change is in your new future. We may not know what that change is but know that it is inevitable, coming and going to be great!!